Grace and Truth

Bible Ministries

In the context of our study of the mandate for believer's prayer in the PPOG. . Phil 4:6; 1Thes 5:17


We are considering the doctrine of the "at home residence of TLJC  which is found in Eph 3:17; as part of  Paul's intercessory prayer for believers to be empowered to advance in the Spiritual life.


We have looked at the doctrine that would be resident in the Word Storage and Categorical storage compartments of the soul of the believer with the "at home residence of TLJC".


We will now consider the Doctrine which is contained in the structure of the Frame of Reference  of the believer with the "at home residence of TLJC" which is the basis for the coorelation of advanced doctrines related to TLJC and the Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age.


The Frame of Reference is where new information is evaluated by comparing it with existing knowledge already understood. It is where doctrine is built upon doctrine so that more complex doctrine can be understood for subsequent recall. Heb 6:1 Net note 1


This more advanced doctrine which would be understood and available for recall by the believer with the "at home residence of TLJC" would include:


TLJC as the Great High Priest after the order of Melchizedek(Heb 5:10; Heb 7:l ; Heb 10:21;


TLJC as the Head of the Church which is His body (Eph 1:19-23; Col 1:18-19Col 2:19;


TLJC, the Son of David as King of Isreal  (2Tim 2:8); Matt 1:1; Rev 22:16; Fulfilling God's covenant with David 2Sam 7:16-17;


TLJC as the Strategic Resolver of the Prehistoric Angelic Conflict (John 16:11; Heb 2:14; 1John 3:8;


TLJC as the Star Witness for God's prosecution of Satan and all the fallen angels in the appeal trial of Satan which is contemporaneous with human history Rev 1:5; Rev 3:14bRev 22:16;


TLJC as Advocate for believers (1John 2:1-2);


TLJC as Intercessor for believers (Rom 8:34; Heb 7:25-27);


TLJC as The Resident Hope of Glory in the believer, the reason for our absolute confident expectation of glorification at the exit resurrection. Col 1:26-27; Col 3:42 Thes 1:122Thes 2:13-14;


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