Grace and Truth

Bible Ministries

Docrine of "The at home residence of TLJC" in the conscience part 2

In the context of our study of the mandate for believer's prayer in the PPOG. . Phil 4:6; 1Thes 5:17; 
We are considering the doctrine of the "at home residence of TLJC  which is found in Eph 3:17; as part of  Paul's intercessory prayer for believers to be empowered to advance in the Spiritual life. Eph 3:16-19;
We have looked at the Doctrinal Content that a believer with the "at home residence of TLJC" would have in their word storage, categorical storage and frame of reference.

We are continuing in our study of the Doctrine of the TLJC on the Conscience of the believer with the "at home residence of TLJC".

The believer's old norms and standards which were developed in the kosmic system before salvation must be completely rennovated by the consistent persistent PMA of Bible Doctrine for the believer to be established in a completely new set of norms and standards established from Bible Doctrine. Rom 12:2; Eph 4:13;

Infant believers do not have the 'at home residence of TLJC" because though they may have positive volition they have not had sufficient time in the PMA of Bible Doctrine for their consciences to be renovated with the thinking of TLJC as revealed God's word by God the Holy Spirit. Col 2:20-21;

Infant believers require special care from more mature believers so they are not encouraged to do something that would violate and wound their weak conscience. 1Cor 8:7-13;

Reversionistic believers do not have the "at home residence of TLJC" because even though they have been exposed to Bible Doctrine, because of their negative volition, they have refused to metabolize it (believe it) and as a result to not have purified norms and standards so their consciences are refered to as evil (Heb 10:22), defiled (Titus 1:15), or seared (1 Tim 4:2).

Believers with the "at home residence of TLJC " focus their thoughts on the right things Phil 4:8;. and are commanded to keep on doing all things without complaining so that they may become blameless, and pure. Phil 2:14-16;NET

The word translated "do" is in the present active imperative so a more accurate translation would be "keep on doing"

God the Holy Spirit actually establishes the norms and standards in the conscience of the believer with "the at home residence of TLJC" Gal 5:22-25; in verse 25 "if" is in the first class condition.

Because of their purity of conscience, believers with the "at home residence of TLJC" have complete tranquility of soul Isa 26:3;KJV Phil 4:6-7; and absolute confidence in the provision of God 1John 3:21-22;NET note 72 ;1Cor 4:4; regardless of external circumstances.




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