Grace and Truth

Bible Ministries

Docrine of "The at home residence of TLJC" in the conscience part 3
In the context of our study of the mandate for believer's prayer in the PPOG. . Phil 4:6; 1Thes 5:17; 
We are considering the doctrine of the "at home residence of TLJC  which is found in Eph 3:17; as part of  Paul's intercessory prayer for believers to be empowered to advance in the Spiritual life. Eph 3:16-19;
We have looked at the Doctrinal Content that a believer with the "at home residence of TLJC" would have in their word storage, categorical storage and frame of reference and  the conscience.

We will now consider the Doctrine related to the "at home residence of TLJC" that would be available for recall from the Memory Center.
It is necessary for the believer to be able to recall  the appropriate Doctrine under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit  (John 14:26;  for occupation with Christ and for the " at home residence of TLJC".
Paul instructed belivers regarding the recall of Bible Doctrine: Rom 15:15; 2Tim 2:14; Titus 3:1;
Peter instructed believers regarding the recall of the Bible Doctrine:  2Pet 1:12,15;
In  2Pet 1:19; he also describes the recall of Bible Doctrine as a lamp that shows the way for  believers who though they are not part of the kosmos are living in it until they are recalled to heaven.  John 17:14-17;. The "morning star" is the TLJC  Rev 22:16;  "the morning star arising in our hearts" is referring to TLJC in our stream of consciousness which is the "at home residence of TLJC"
John instructed believers regarding the recall of Bible Doctrine: 1John 2:7; 1John 2:21;
Jude instructed believers regarding the recall of Bible Doctrine Jude 1:5;
This Doctrine available for the believer to recall from their memory center would include but not be limited to:
Doctrine related to the work and person of TLJC on the cross as it is presented in the Eucharist.  1Cor 11:24-25;
Doctrine related to the resurrection of TLJC Acts 2:23-24;  2Tim 2:8;  Phil 3:10;
Doctrine related to the session of TLJC. Eph 1:18-22;  Heb 1:3; Heb 10:12; Heb 12:2; 
Doctrine related to the believer's union with Christ, , Gal 3:26-29;




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