Grace and Truth

Bible Ministries

Doctrine of the "at home residence of TLJC" in the Memory Center part 3


In the context of our study of the mandate for believer's prayer in the PPOG. . Phil 4:6; 1Thes 5:17;


We are considering the doctrine of the "at home residence of TLJC  which is found in Eph 3:17; as part of  Paul's intercessory prayer for believers to be empowered to advance in the Spiritual life. Eph 3:16-19;


We have looked at the Doctrinal Content that a believer with the "at home residence of TLJC" would have in their word storage, categorical storage and frame of reference and  the conscience.




We are now considering the Doctrine related to the "at home residence of TLJC" that would be available for recall from the Memory Center which would include:




The recall of the words of TLJC assures the believer just as it did for Peter. Acts 11:15-18; When he was shown things he did not initially understand. 2Cor 5:7;


When believers come under pressure from the Kosmos  they will not be taken by suprise if they recall Christ's words regarding the Kosmos and their situation in it.  John 15:18-25;


The Greek word translated  "remember" in John 15:20 is the second person plural persent active imperative of  (mnemoneuo  µ??µ??e?? );   it is a command  for believers to keep on recalling to mind something that they have learned and already know.


Jesus had previously taught them that the servant is not greater than the master (John 13:16-17;  Matt 10:24-28; He references His previous teaching, which they had already learned, and they are now commanded to remember or recall it to mind.


John 15:20b;  If they persecuted Me [and they have],( if, is a first class condition,) they will also persecute you...


The word translated persecute is the  verb is the third person future active indicative of  ( dioko d????  ), which means to pursue, put pressure on, or to persecute. It refers to certain points of time that are now all gathered up into one. Jesus wasn't persecuted every minute, but there were times when the pressure was on, and he was about to come under maximum pressure in the events which were about to happen.


The future tense indicates that they were not a target yet. As long as TLJC was on the earth, He was the target, but in the Church-age, every believer is now the target. 2Cor 4:11;  The word translated "being delivered" is the present passive indicative of ( pa?ad?d?µ? paradidomi  ) which means the believer is the recipient of the action of being given over to situations of death.


Once Christ returns to heaven, the disciples/apostles and all who believe in TLJC throught their word will become the targets of persecution in the  intensification of the angelic conflict during the church age.


John 15:20c; If they had kept my word they will keep yours also. The word translated keep is the the aorist active indicative of ([tereo t???? ) again, the the clause is in the first class condition.


Tereo means to guard, to keep watch over or to protect something that is valuable.


Some of those who had heard TLJC teach had kept his word and they along with the apostles  would form the initial group of believers who would become the first local assembly  in the Church Age in Jerusalem after Christ leaves the earth and returns to be with the Father in heaven.


These believers were to recall that, that  they would be hated,just as TLJC had been, but be encouraged because I have a plan for you and I have overcome the Kosmos. John 16:1-2; Net note 1;John 16:33;


Bible Doctrine regarding TLJC prepares the believer for the inevitable suffering  that they will face in the devil's world and  the recall of Bible Doctrine empowers and comforts the believer when the inevitable happens.... the Master was rejected so the slave will also be rejected.


Paul describes his  being deserted in 2Tim 4:16-18; so we should not be suprised when we come under pressure and the only one who stands with us is TLJC through our recall of his word.


Peter and James tell us that we should rejoice in our adversities . James 1:2-4; 1Pet 1:6-9; because it is in the pressure of adversity that the doctrine is proven.


The recall of the words of TLJC  in the memory center prepares believers for adversity and assures believers when they are in adversity.  Lam 3:21-24;


The recall of Bible Doctrine provides for absolute peace and tranquility in the soul of the believer who has the "at home residence of TLJC" Phil 4:7; John 14:27; Col 3:15-16;



We will now consider the Doctrine regarding TLJC in the Momentum Compartment  of the believer with the "at home residence of TLJC"  which provides motivation and incentive for the believer . 1Cor 15:57-58; Rom 8:37-39; 1John 5:4;NET


Momentum can be defined as strength or force gained by motion or through the development of events according to Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary.(Eleventh ed.).

Momentum testing tests the cognitive independence of the believer's  spiritual autonomy which has been established by Bible Doctrine through the events of people testing, thought testing, system testing and disaster testing. 



1Pet 1:7-8 ; NIV These [momentum tests of all kinds] have come so that your faith [the application of Bible doctrine in utilizing God's problem solving devices]of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire€”may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed [the Rapture or resurrection of the Church as a preliminary to the Judgment Seat of Christ, where eternal rewards will be based on spiritual growth]. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him [use the assets of the divine dynasphere] and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.


See NET notes 13 and 14


1Pet 4:12-13; The word translated "fiery" is ( p???s?? purosis  ) which is the word used to describe the process of refining metals in a fire. The same word is used in Psa 66:10; in the Septuagint where it is translated "refined"


Just as gold and silver were refined by the goldsmith in multiple steps using heat from a fire, our doctrine is refined by TLJC in multiple steps using various categories of testing.  In the time the Bible was written, the goldsmith knew the gold was completely refined through the heating process when he could see his own reflection in the gold with no imperfections .


In the same way when TLJC sees his own reflection in the doctrine of the believer's soul, with no imperfections,  the believer's doctrine is complete. James 1:4; 1John 3:2-3;


In these tests the believer who knows from Bible Doctrine that God is faithful,  1Cor 10:13; Heb 13:5-6; experiences God's faithfulness firsthand.


James 1:2-3; The purpose of the test is to demonstrate that the Bible Doctrine we have metabolized can withstand the test. The application of Bible Doctrine in the testing creates greater strength and capacity to endure.


The believer with the "at home residence of TLJC" in their momentum compartment understands that God's power is demonstrated in the believer's weakness.  2Cor 12:9; and is therefore content to be in situations of adversity and weakness 2Cor 12:10;


As the believer with the "at home residence of TLJC"  becomes weaker in their own strength they grow stronger in the power of God.


In the test, it's not the adversity of the test that  builds strength but the power is applied in the adversity that builds strength.




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