About 6 weeks ago at the start of the Easter Season that started with the vernal equinox that occurred on March 20 that was followed by the new moon on March 26, we have been studying the Jewish Calendar and Holy Days that are Regulated by the Moon and Stars that are used to determine the time of our Lord's crucifixion, burial, and his resurrection that we celebrate on Resurrection Sunday.
We have seen that the Jewish Feasts that relate to the events of the First Advent of TLJC are:
Passover (Pesach): Nisan 14, This year was on Wednesday (April 8, 2009) (the crucifixion of TLJC)
Unleavened Bread: Nisan 15. This year was on Thursday (April 9, 2009)
First Fruits: Nisan 18. This year was on Sunday (April 12, 2009) (the celebration of the resurrection of TLJC)
Pentecost (Shabuoth): Sivan 6, This year on Sunday (May 31, 2009) (The Holy Spirit was sent, beginning the Church age)
As we have noted, there was no Jewish Feast associated with the ascension that occurred 10 days before Pentecost this year will be on Friday May 22
At this point in our study we are looking at the results of the fulfillment of these days in the crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and session of TLJC in his that results in a new unique relationship with God and Divine Power being provided to church age believers from his position at the right hand of the Father.
His Ascension meant that he returned to His preincarnate glory as deity, but it also established the glorification of His humanity where He is the Forerunner of all believing mankind who will follow. Heb 6:19-20; 1Cor 15:52: 1John 3:2;
His Session declared that He was in heaven, at God's right hand, the place of the highest honor and authority. It means all glory, authority and power is shared by the father with the Son. Eph 1:20-23; Phil 2:9; Heb 1:3; 1Pet 3:22;
From this position he intercedes for and protects his people. John 17:11f; Rom. 8:32f; Heb 4:14-16;
It affirms His continuing ministry for us at God's right hand, protected by his power, his presence with the Father and His work as High Priest. 1Pet 1:3-5;
His session declares we have an advocate with the Father and a compassionate High Priest, who intercedes for us when we sin and prays for us in our need. Rom 8:34;
In his ascension he made provision for spiritual power. John 14:25-26; John 16:7-10; Luke 24:49f; Acts. 1:8;
It provided the means of His gift of the Parakletos. Without the ascension, there would be none of the ministries of the Holy Spirit that we have today: no indwelling, no baptism into Christ, and no filling.