We are continuing in our study where we are discussing the relationship between the Jewish Feasts and the events of the First Advent of TLJC that launched the church age.
We have seen that the Jewish Feasts that relate to the events of the First Advent of TLJC are Passover, Unleavened Bread: First Fruits and Pentecost, the day that the Holy Spirit was sent to indwell and fill believers universally providing the power for unique spiritual life for believers in the church age.
We have seen that the model and precedence for this unique spiritual life was established by TLJC during his life on this earth in unglorified humanity at the beginning of the hypostatic union. Heb 10:5; Heb 12:2a;
Last time we stopped where we were discussing the events of Pentecost that occurred 10 days after our Lord's ascension and session at the right hand of the Father that initiated the church age with the unique ministry of God the Holy Spirit on the earth.
Pentecost marks the beginning of the Church Age and the calling out of the royal family of God and the unique provision of the PPOG for each church age believer.
It represents the fact that no adversity in life is too great for the believer who is advancing in God's plan. There is no disaster, no difficulty, no trial, no heartache, and no problem in life too great for doctrine that is resident in the soul.
The only place where doctrine engages with the problems of life in the devil's world is from the believer's choice to apply it from their stream of consciousness.
If doctrine is not in the believer's soul the believer cannot cope with their problems and because of their membership in the royal family of God and calling to engage in the invisible war no human solution will work either. John 16:33; 1John 4:4; 1John 5:4;
The only doctrine that can be used in a disaster is the doctrine resident in the soul that accrues from the persistent and consistent PMA of God's word under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit.
So in the days of blessing, the easy days, believers are accumulate doctrine for the disaster days. When one does this the disaster days become just as easy as any other day because one is prepared.
This principle is taught visibly in Gen 41:29-36; and applied to the believer in Eph 5:15-18;
Pentecost marks the complete separation of Israel and the Church apart from the fact that both groups include the unique person of TLJC.
Given this it is useful to take some time to briefly contrast Israel and the Church.
For the Church, Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31;
For Israel salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ, Romans 1:1-4;