In view of the observance of Resurrection Sunday aka Easter it is appropriate for us to take some time to review some of the doctrines related to his resurrection that is recorded in Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1-6; and John 20:1;
We have seen the sequence of resurrection that is revealed in 1Cor 15:20-23;
When we ran out of time last time we were discussing the fact that the Rapture or Exit Resurrection of the church is imminent. This means that no prophecy has to be fulfilled before the resurrection occurs. Rev 22:7, 12, 20; all say "I am coming soon or quickly." Another good translation of the Greek word "tachu" that is translated "quickly" in the NASB is "without delay"
This statement was made nearly 2000 years ago in A.D. 96. Throughout all these centuries, the Rapture has not occurred. The Rapture could occur tomorrow or 1000 years from now and there is no event in prophesy that can delay it.
The Rapture of the Church does not depend on human accomplishment, but on the grace of God. The Rapture will not occur until the royal family is complete. We do not know when the last person to be brought into the royal family. This means that the time of the exit resurrection is God's decision.
The believer's decision must be to live one day at a time under the priorities of God's grace and God's provision. That requires our perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine. Consistent renovation of the thinking with Bible Doctrine after salvation will result in daily spiritual growth, the execution of the protocol plan, and the glorification of God by becoming an invisible hero.
The time of the Rapture is God's decision and God's victory, not ours. Therefore, the believer must live one day at a time, and advance in grace by using the ten problem-solving devices.
This does not contradict passages such as Titus 2:13; 1Cor 1:7, and Phil 3:20-21; that say we eagerly wait in anticipation for the exit resurrection of the Church.
Occupation with Christ means eagerly waiting for Jesus' return for the church without falling into those blasphemies of human speculation. This refers to the blasphemy of setting a date for the Rapture or announcing what is the Rapture generation.
The proper attitude toward the Rapture occurs when the believer reaches spiritual adulthood and has the cognitive self-confidence of spiritual self-esteem, the cognitive independence of spiritual autonomy, and the cognitive invincibility of spiritual maturity.
In every generation of the Church Age, the believer must live in anticipation of the Rapture. This anticipation is part of occupation with Christ, the priority solution to life.
Personal love for God the Father, occupation with Christ, and a personal sense of destiny demand that the believer lives their life as unto the Lord only one day at a time.
Death and resurrection are never a function of merit; they are only under the control of God's grace.
The Death and resurrection of all believers is God's victory. As God's victory, the Rapture of the Church is the function of the sovereignty, wisdom, and power of God.
Death and resurrection are under the Lord's direct control. The sting of death and the power of the grave are removed by maximum doctrine resident in the believer's soul.
The victory of resurrection is the fact that all Church Age believers, winners or losers, are resurrected at the same time. It is God's victory and applies to all believers.
Believers who fail to live in the PPOG will not receive the conveyance of reward at their evaluation because they chose to live in the cosmic system, in reversionism, and were arrogant to the point of spiritual blindness, but regardless of that failure they will receive a resurrection body along with the believers who have advanced in God's plan.
The mature believer who has executed the protocol plan and glorified God in time is an invisible hero will receive a resurrection body at the same time.
It is a part of the grace policy of God that all believers regardless of their status during their life on the earth in time receive their resurrection bodies at the same moment.
At the Judgment Seat of Christ after the Rapture of the Church believers who have become invisible heroes receive the distribution of their escrow blessings for the eternal state. Believers who have not advanced in God's plan will not receive this conveyance of escrow blessings.
Since these blessings that were set aside in eternity past they are irrevocable, that means they remain in the presence of God forever as a memorial of the equal privilege and opportunity provided for every believer at the moment of their salvation.
1Pet 1:3-8; "Blessed be the God, even the Father, of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
v4 to obtain an inheritance which is incorruptible and undefiled, and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you
v5 who are guarded by the omnipotence of God through faith, resulting in salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
v6 In this, you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various testings;
v7 hat the proof of your doctrine, being much more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in the praise, glory, and honor at the Rapture (revelation) of Jesus Christ.
v8 And though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not see Him now but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory."
Both the death and resurrection of the believer are the wise and sovereign decision of God. Believers have no control over the time, manner, or place of their death, and if the exit resurrection were to occur in their lifetime, they may not even die.
Since the resurrection of the believer is totally the work of God, it is God's victory. Since the resurrection is the work of God for all believers, winners or losers, it is a matter of grace and never a matter of human merit.
Just as the grace policy of God has provided everything the Church Age believer needs for time, so the grace of God has provided everything the believer needs for dying and resurrection.
The resurrection of the Church Age believer does not depend upon any form of human merit. This means that the believer's volition, works, merit, service, is not a factor in the resurrection of the Church. It does not depend upon how good or bad you are as a believer.
Just as the believer has no control over the time, manner, or place of their death, they also have no control over the time of the resurrection. Christians cannot affect the timing of the resurrection by making the world a better place for Christ to return to.
The resurrection of the Church does not depend on any system of Christian works or self- righteousness or human merit or setting dates for the Rapture. Believers can pray for the Rapture but that prayer will not be answered unless it happens to align with the Divine Decree of God.
Since the resurrection of the Church is divorced from any form of human ability or human achievement, it is compatible with the grace of God and is another manifestation of God's victory in human history.
The doctrine of Resurrection is the sine que non of Christian theology. Belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God stands or falls with the question of His bodily resurrection.
Paul states this in 1Cor 15:17-20; The resurrection therefore is the proof of his true identity as the Christ, His identity as the Son of God, His identity as the Messiah, and His power to deliver from sin.
The value and effectiveness of all His work in the past, present, and future all hang upon the fact of his resurrection.
The resurrection of Christ is necessary for fulfillment of the prophecy in both the Old and New Testament, and is demanded by the concept of the infallibility of the Scriptures as Word of God. 2Tim 3:16; John 17:17; Matt 24:35;
The doctrine of the resurrection of Christ is strategic in that it is the first step in the series of events that that resulted in his exaltation. His resurrection is followed by His ascension to heaven that is followed by his being seated at the right hand of the Father where he is presently.
His session is followed by His second coming to the earth in power and glory when he occupies the throne of David as ruler of the earth during the millennium. This is followed by His exaltation as judge of all men at the great white throne and His exaltation in the new heaven and the new earth.
His resurrection begins a new phase of His present work on behalf of believers because he is presently our intercessor at the right hand of the Father. Heb 7:25;
The historical fact of the resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Upon it rests everything that is essential to Christian doctrine. Because of this there is much evidence provided for the resurrection and this evidence becomes one of the greatest sources of validation for Christianity.
A study of the Scriptures reveals the following order of events in the resurrection appearances of Christ:
According to Matt 28:2-4; the guards saw an angel roll away the stone from the tomb, and they shook with fear at the sight of him.
We see here that the Roman seal that was placed on the door of the tomb was broken, and the guards unable to prevent the tomb from being opened in spite of their best efforts. Matt 27:62-66;
The false report of the soldiers that was purchased by the chief priest in Matt 28:11-15; stated that someone stole the body while they slept is additional confirmation of the resurrection of Christ from unwilling witnesses.
The reality is that Christ was raised from the tomb shortly after sundown the evening before after being there for three days and three nights. The opening of the tomb was not to allow Christ to come out, but was a means of permitting others to enter so they could see that the tomb was empty.
Shortly after the stone was rolled away, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, and others arrived at the tomb Matt 28:1, 5-7; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-10; John 20:1
Upon learning that the stone was rolled away and hearing the announcement of the angel that Christ was raised from the dead, Mary Magdalene ran to tell the disciples. Matt 28:8; Mark 16:8; Luke 24:8-10; John 20:2;
Upon informing the disciples, Mary Magdalene returns to the tomb following Peter and John who ran ahead where they see the empty tomb John 20:2-10;
She still finds it impossible to believe that Christ was actually raised from the dead, even though the angel had previously told her that he was. Mark 16:6;
The first appearance of Christ was to Mary Magdalene when she remained at the grave site after Peter and John had left. She sees Christ and at first mistakes Him for the gardener but then recognizes Him when He speaks to her John 20:11-17; Mark 16:9-11;
After she had seen the risen Lord, she returns to report it to the disciples. Mark 16:10-11; John 20:18;
The second appearance of Christ was to the other women who are also returning to the tomb and see Christ on the way Matt 28:9-10;
The Lord's third appearance was to Peter in the afternoon of that resurrection Sunday. There are no details recorded, but it is interesting that Christ appeared Peter, who had denied him before, revealing himself to the other disciples. Luke 24:34; 1Cor 15:5;
The fourth appearance of Christ was to the disciples as they walked on the road to Emmaus. In this case they were prevented from recognizing him and Christ was able to explain to them the Old Testament Scripture concerning His death and resurrection, and was not recognized by them until He began to hand out bread for them to eat. Mark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-35;
His fifth appearance was to the ten disciples Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-23 The Mark account refers to them as the eleven, but it is obvious from the context that only ten were there, because Thomas was absent.
The sixth appearance was to the eleven disciples a week after His resurrection. At this time Thomas was present and demanded proof that it was actually Jesus. John 20:26-29;.
The seventh appearance was to seven disciples by the Sea of Galilee because Peter had decided to go fishing; John 21:1-23; After the Lord had provided a large catch of fish and they had breakfast, he spoke to Simon Peter regarding his responsibility to teach the Word of God rather than return to his former occupation. John 21:15-17;