Class Notes: 7/11/2010

The Doctrine of Love continued....Love is what one thinks, emotion is how one responds to that thinking

In our study of the Doctrine of Love, last time we stopped with the idea that even though there is limited virtue in morality it will not always hold together human relationships and may even become a cause for their breakdown when there is failure because morality cannot solve the problems of human relationships only the grace orientation, impersonal love and occupation with TLJC of the spiritual life can.

Only virtue can solve the problems of human relationships and virtue can only be produced by persistent perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine.

The noun "impersonality" describes a quality or state of not involving personal feelings or emotions in a relationship. Emotion is designed to appreciate relationships but it is not designed to establish or maintain relationships.

Impersonality is the objectivity that comes from the ministry of God the Holy Spirit in the individual who has learned the doctrine and from that instruction has come to be in the state of cognitive self-confidence and/or spiritual self-esteem.

We see from this that virtue in the Christian life is unrelated to emotion. We may respond to virtue with emotion but emotion is not a mandate of the PPOG.

Emotion has no ability to rationalize, to think, to apply doctrine, or to solve problems. Emotion is designed for our pleasure and enjoyment, but it was never designed to be the source of emotional sins such as fear, worry, anxiety, anger, violence, and murder.

Emotion is not a part of the Christian way of life. Emotion is a normal function of the human soul when we respond to something we enjoy. When emotion becomes the motivation for sin it is out of bounds.

The only base for true love is the objectivity of impersonal love, and whatever emotional response that comes along that is always to be subordinate to doctrinal principles.

Impersonal love is defined as that problem-solving device of the protocol plan of God for the Church that produces unconditional love toward all mankind.

Being impersonal, this category of love places emphasis on honor, integrity, and virtue, rather than the attractiveness of the object.

Impersonal love for all mankind is the ultimate expression of maximum metabolized Bible doctrine circulating by means of the Holy Spirit in the seven compartments of the soul's stream of consciousness.

The objectivity and grace orientation of the spiritually adult believer becomes the expression of virtue in human interaction. It is the ultimate expression of humility in spiritual self-esteem. The advance to spiritual adulthood is required before metabolized Bible Doctrine is sufficient enough to produces this virtue

The believer in spiritual adulthood has spiritual self-esteem, or cognitive self- confidence, as the beginning of the most effective part of impersonal love. Spiritual autonomy with it's cognitive independence perpetuates the function of impersonal love.

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