Rom 13:8;
In our continuing study of the doctrine of love, we are presently discussing virtue love that is based in humility as compared with pseudo love that is based in arrogance.
Last time we saw that the prosperity of another person should never distract any believer from Bible doctrine as first priority.
Believers must understand that the only prosperity in life that counts originates from the PPOG and subsequent distribution of escrow blessings for time and daily logistical grace blessings that come from God.
Part of the problem created by power and approbation lust is the function of the legalistic believer trying to control and change the lives of other believers to conform to his or her personal standards.
Impersonal virtue love never tries to control or change people to conform to their standards because we cannot change people to conform to our personal standards and expectations. They can only change themselves through their own personal PMA of Bible Doctrine under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit.
The only changes that count in the Christian life are the changes made by Bible doctrine resident in the soul because only metabolized Bible doctrine changes lives.
Self-righteous arrogance is the motivation for legalism that tries to control others apart from the Word of God. The consistent inculcation of Bible doctrine is the only protection against this.
We cannot change people by imposing impossible standards on them under the role model syndrome.
If we do make a role model out of some person we will ultimately become disappointed, frustrated, and react, because sooner or later they will fail to meet the expectations that were placed on them.
You can only change yourself. Only by changing yourself can you avoid establishing unrealistic expectations for yourself and others. Only Bible doctrine changes us, not the power of self-improvement in the energy of the strong side of the OSN.
Changing self is the result of the development of the Spiritual Skills; the filling of the Spirit, cognition of Bible doctrine, and the advance in the PPOG for the Church.
Changing self is a matter of consistent cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine and spiritual growth through, the daily perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine. This is the process of converting gnosis into epignosis that creates the life beyond what we can ask or imagine in Eph 3:19;
Changing self is a matter of learning and using the problem solving devices including personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, and occupation with Christ.
Changing self is the development of virtue-love from metabolized doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness under the filling ministry of God the Holy Spirit.
The three categories of virtue-love that resolve the problems of unrealistic expectation and role model arrogance are personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind and occupation with the person of Christ.
Personal love for God the Father provides motivation and capacity for the function of impersonal love toward all mankind. This results in a grace orientation followed by a grace attitude toward all with whom you have contact. This is the key factor in human interaction.
Occupation with Christ as the priority solution changes your mental attitude about yourself so that you change your mental attitude about people who are not treating you the way you think you ought to be treated or loving you the way you think you should be loved.
Impersonal love is the result of personal love for God the Father and occupation with the person of Christ. It is the result of the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit as you learn God's viewpoint from Bible doctrine.
Impersonal love provides the solution to unrealistic expectation so that the advancing believer can pass the people testing, system testing, and thought testing that are part of providential preventative suffering and momentum testing.
Impersonal love for all mankind gives the spiritual adult the ability to overcome any form of hurt, frustration, anger, bitterness, implacability, and hatred toward others who have failed as a role model, or who are not treating or loving you the way you expected.
The principle is that you cannot change people to conform to your standards and expectations but you can solve the problems related to the frustrations that come to you from unrealistic expectations through the use of virtue-love as a problem solving device.
We have seen that love is a part of the essence of God and belongs eternally to God because God is perfect and eternal love. 1John 4:8;
This means that there is an absolute standard of love found in the love between the members of the Trinity.
God has perfect love for Himself as a part of divine self- esteem, perfect personal love for the other members of the Trinity and impersonal love for all creatures.
TLJC reveals this love and directs us to it .2Thes 3:5; "And may the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God."
It is the thinking of Christ that establishes this love because there is no true love or capacity for love without Bible doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness and ten problem solving devices deployed in the soul.
This love of God is based on his essence.
God is sovereign. Therefore, His love is self-motivated and is compatible with the divine decrees and all other divine decisions, past, present, and future.
God's discipline comes from His integrity, from His capacity for love. Heb 12:6;
God's love is eternal. Therefore, God's love exists eternally, unsustained by Himself or any other source.
God is holy. Therefore, divine love possesses perfect integrity that includes incorruptible justice and immutable righteousness. This means that the perfect love of God has perfect and eternal, unchangeable virtue.
God is immutable; this means that man's sins, human good, dead works, or evil cannot compromise or influence His love.
God's love cannot be corrupted by failure. God's love cannot improve or decline, increase or decrease. Therefore, the rejection of God's love never results in any form of retaliation from God it simply results in the individual failing to take advantage of God's provision because of their choice to reject it.
God is omniscient. Therefore, divine love always functions in a rational manner. Divine love is devoid of any emotional content or any system of irrationality. God does not have and does not need emotion. His love is the highest quality of love that could ever exist. It is integrity, not emotion, that makes love great.
God is absolute truth and veracity. Therefore, divine love is revealed and integrated into every category of Bible Doctrine.
Because God is perfect and absolute righteousness and integrity, His divine love cannot be prejudice, unfair, or in any way discriminating. James 1:17;
The combination of God's perfect righteousness and immutability indicates that divine love is eternally consistent and revealed in the content of His infallible Word.
The combination of God's omniscience and immutability means that God's love cannot be complicated by ignorance.
We are told in Jude 1: 21; to "Guard yourselves by means of the love for God as you wait with anticipation for the lovingkindness of our Lord Jesus Christ with reference to eternal life." The word translated "keep" in most of the translations is the Greek word "Tereo" that means to "guard" or "to attend to carefully"
When you have personal love for God and Occupation with TLJC you are guarding yourself in the love of God.
Rom 5:5b; "...because the love for God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." This is how the believer is enabled to function with the virtue of impersonal love.
The characteristics of virtue love are described in 1Cor 13:4, "Virtue love is patient. Virtue love is kind (grace orientation in the soul reaching out to others). Virtue love is not jealous. Virtue love does not brag. Virtue love is not arrogant."
Virtue love is a product of the Holy Spirit Gal 5:22a; "The fruit of the Spirit is virtue-love, joy..."
Doctrine and virtue love become the basis of Christ residing in the believer's stream of consciousness and their ability to perceive what God has done for them Eph 3:17; "That Christ may be at home in your hearts through doctrine and having been rooted and grounded in virtue-love...."
1Thes 5:8; "But since you are of the day, let us attain spiritual self-esteem after we have put on the breastplate of faith (faith rest drill) and virtue-love and as a helmet the hope or absolute confidence of deliverance.
Those with virtue love are to be the recipients of blessings that are beyond their imagination. 1Cor 2:9; "But just as it stands written, `Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard and it has not entered into the heart of man all that God has prepared for those who love Him.'"
God's love is matured in those who guard his word.
1John 2:5; "Whoever guards his word, truly in him the love for God has been perfected."
1John 5:1-3; "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born again from God. Furthermore, everyone who loves the Father loves everyone who has been born from Him. For this is love for God that we keep His mandates and His commandments are not burdensome."
Virtue love becomes the basis of reward. James 1:12; "Blessed is the believer who perseveres under testing because when he becomes approved, he shall receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him."
We cannot love God apart from capacity for love, which is extrapolated from the four spiritual mechanics of the spiritual life after salvation. If we do not fulfill this, then we have no capacity for love or witness before the angels.