In our study of capacity in the context of the doctrine of the integrity of God when we left off last time we were discussing the principle that all the New Testament teaching is directed toward giving believers integrity righteousness as the capacity for true happiness and that sharing the happiness of God is the basis for perfect environment and tranquility in the soul while living as overcomers or "winners" in the chaos of the devil's world. 1John 2:13;
God's perfect happiness includes tranquility of soul in every circumstance of life, Rom 8:28; and contentment of soul in every circumstance of life. 1Tim 6:5-8;
God's perfect happiness includes capacity for life, love, and happiness. No one can be happy living beyond their capacity in life. The spiritual environment of the soul provides this capacity for divine blessing. The consistent use of the entire set of problem solving devices guards the spiritual life of the believer's soul.
God's happiness establishes the right goals related to being an invisible hero.
God's happiness cannot be separated from God's integrity or holiness.
In sharing the happiness of God, the principle of integrity is the issue. When the believer attains sharing God's happiness, the spiritual life has contributed the integrity capacity to enjoy every circumstance in life weather adversity or prosperity.
True happiness in the soul cannot be separated from true integrity in the life and the spiritual righteousness derived from the spiritual skills. If the believer is to have perfect environment in their soul there must be capacity for that environment.
God's happiness is never based on the unhappiness of others. No one can build happiness on the unhappiness of others. No one can be happy or blessed by God when reacting to people or circumstances.
Even when believers are victims of unfairness, they cannot be happy when reacting because the sins of reaction destroy capacity from the integrity of spiritual righteousness and they eliminate the capacity for the conveyance of greater blessings for time.
This demonstrates the importance of the problem solving devices that enable the believer to refrain from reacting to others.
Capacity establishes a personal sense of destiny where the believer will have confidence at the evaluation that occurs after the exit resurrection.
1John 2:28; "And now, my children, stay in fellowship with Him, that if He should appear, we may have confidence and not be put to shame at His coming."
Gal 5:5; "For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the confident expectation of righteousness [capacity righteousness from God for rewards in the eternal state]."
Rom 5:5; "And confident expectation makes us not ashamed, because the love for God has been poured out in our hearts by the agency of the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."
2Tim 2:15; "Be motivated to present yourself approved by God, a person evaluated as a hero who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth."
Phil 1:20; "on the basis of my earnest expectation and confidence, that I shall not be put to shame in anything, but with all confidence, Christ shall even now, as always, be glorified in my body, whether by life or by death."
This brings us to the doctrine of a Personal Sense of Destiny, The sixth problem solving device for the Church Age believer. The personal sense of destiny is the "why" of the believer's life. Luke 9:51; Net notes 169,170,172
The personal sense of destiny is related to the omnipotence of God, Eph 3:20; "Now to Him who is able to do infinitely more than all we keep asking for ourselves or think, on the basis of the power which keeps on working for us."
One of the principles that the believer with a personal sense of destiny discovers is that God can do all He wills to do, but He may not will to do all He can do.
Understanding the conditions under which He wills these things is the basis for the deployment of the personal sense of destiny on the FLOT of the believer's soul. God is able to do whatever He wills to do in whatever way and at whatever time he chooses.
In our recent studies we have seen that God does not do anything contrary to His essence. Therefore God cannot deny Himself. Because God cannot deny Himself, He cannot deny the conveyance of the fantastic eternal blessings that are above and beyond the resurrection body to the winner believer who uses their volition to glorify God in the devil's world in time.
Divine omnipotence is always compatible with a right thing done in a right way for the right reason at the right time. God's infinite and eternal power is limitless; it functions under the control of His perfect righteousness and justice.
In the function of His divine power, God is able to do anything that is compatible with His perfect divine essence. God never used His omnipotence to make a right wrong or a wrong right. God never uses His power to cause the end to justify the means.
God does not choose to do everything by the immediate agency of His own omnipotence; rather, He has delegated His power to intermediate agents. Church age believers are one of these intermediate agents.
Although God determines some things to come to pass unconditionally, most events of human history are actually determined conditionally through the volition of mankind.
Mankind uses their volition to obey or disobey the divine mandates including the laws of divine establishment, eternal salvation by grace through faith alone in TLJC alone, and the execution of the protocol plan of God.
In each category God provides blessing for positive volition and judgment or discipline for negative volition. God's eternal purpose for human history is never frustrated by the negative volition of mankind. Gen 50:20; Psa 76:10;