In our continuing study of the Personal Sense of Destiny, last time we saw that that the personal sense of destiny recognizes that the only power that is useful in the spiritual life is divine power because the spiritual life runs only on divine power.
Your personal sense of destiny is aware of and uses available divine power. Divine power is an absolute and is only available through the portfolio of invisible assets.
God's perfect plan requires perfect power and since human power is relative it is totally unacceptable to God for the function of the spiritual skills.
A personal sense of destiny not only recognizes the inclusion of divine power in the spiritual life but also recognizes the inclusion of divine power in the exit resurrection or rapture of the Church.
1Cor 6:14; "Now God not only resurrected the Lord, but He will also resurrect us through His power." This power that will resurrect all believers is the only power that counts in life. This power is conveyed to believers through the word of God when they function under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit.
There can never be a personal sense of destiny on the FLOT line of the soul until there is understanding and application of the absolutes of Bible doctrine.
A personal sense of destiny never departs from the absolute truth of Bible doctrine and the monopoly of divine power in the function of the spiritual life.
Just as the dispensation of the hypostatic union terminated with resurrection that was the function of divine power, the dispensation of the Church Age will also terminate with resurrection that is the function of divine power. 1Cor 15:23;
God is perfect, therefore His plan is perfect and therefore the perfect plan of God for the Church can only function under divine power. This means that the use of human power is a contradiction of the protocol plan of God for the Church and never a part of the spiritual life.
In postsalvation experience the spiritual life of the Church Age believer excludes all power and energy of the flesh and functions totally on divine power. (The filling of the Holy Spirit and metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness)
This divine power that is involved in the resurrection or rapture of the Church is available for your spiritual life right now.
2Cor 4:15-18; For all things are for your benefit, that the grace impact which has increased through the agency of the many (invisible heroes) may cause the increase of thanksgiving resulting in the glory of God.
v16 Therefore we do not despair, but though our outer person is decaying, yet our inner person is being renewed day by day.
v17 For a momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,
v18 while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
A personal sense of destiny uses grace orientation to glorify God. Once you reach a personal sense of destiny you move into an entirely new phase of the spiritual life, called the sophisticated spiritual life, where you use the advanced problem solving devices (personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the happiness of God, and occupation with Christ.
A personal sense of destiny separates the status of spiritual childhood from the status of spiritual adulthood. Therefore the personal sense of destiny is a landmark in the spiritual life. A personal sense of destiny must understand the divine objective and how the protocol plan glorifies God, in order to be motivated to continue to use the two power options and the three spiritual skills.
One of the biggest distractions to the spiritual life is to become discouraged or despondent. All things are for your benefit. You have no need to be discouraged or despondent. What you achieve in this life is meaningless when you are dying or think you are dying.
Nothing is as important in this world as Bible doctrine. God has provided every problem solving device for every problem in life. All things are for your benefit. When you realize that Bible doctrine is the highest priority in life, you have real genuine change as you move into spiritual adulthood.
You have true Christian fellowship and true spiritual change. A personal sense of destiny is not discouraged by any circumstance in life. The decaying body or jar of clay is not the significant thing in life, but the soul, the inner person, that continues to grow spiritually day by day.
The continual weakening of physical power and energy does not diminish spiritual power when you have reached a personal sense of destiny. You have now locked in spiritual adulthood.
Your momentum and motivation is far greater and far stronger than anything in life prior to that moment. The power of God advances even though physical power decreases with age. Your health is not an indicator of your spiritual status. You are renewed day by day through the consistent utilization of two power options and three spiritual skills.
No matter how great the suffering of the physical body the power related to the spiritual life in the soul is infinitely greater than any adversity. This is why Paul calls all of his suffering a momentary, light affliction. A personal sense of destiny always looks forward to the eternal weight of glory rather than focusing on the momentary, light affliction.
A personal sense of destiny always emphasizes the eternal state and lives in view of eternity. A personal sense of destiny with its maximum self-motivation enters into the sophisticated spiritual life where the believer deploys the sophisticated spiritual life as the major offensive action of the spiritual life.
The objective of a personal sense of destiny is the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church, resulting in the glorification of God, resulting in becoming a winner believer, an invisible hero. Examples of visible heroes are given in Heb 11.
A personal sense of destiny has fellowship with God. Fellowship with God is a different kind of life. The execution of God's plan in any dispensation is impossible without fellowship with God. A personal sense of destiny is the mechanics of fellowship with God.
The means of fulfilling the objective of the personal sense of destiny is the utilization of God's power. God's plan was never designed to function on human power, human ability, human personality gimmicks, or any thing else related to human dynamics. God called on you to utilize divine power.
The means of fulfilling the objective is the consistent use of the two power options and the three spiritual skills. This is the only way to develop momentum in the spiritual life.
A personal sense of destiny is constantly aware of the invisible impact of the invisible hero that functions in five categories. Personal impact, that is blessing by association to anyone related to the mature believer.
Historical impact, is blessing by association to a client nation. The nation is blessed by the pivot of mature believers who within it. As goes the believer in the client nation to God, so goes that nation spiritually, historically, economically, and socially.
International impact, is blessing by association with a non-client nation through missionaries who have reached spiritual maturity. The missionary in spiritual maturity is a blessing the non-client nation where they serve as well as to the client nation that sends them.
Angelic impact, is the impact of the winner believer as a witness for the Prosecution in the rebuttal phase of Satan's appeal trial that is coterminous with human history.
This is accomplished through the attainment of spiritual maturity through the consistent function of the spiritual skills, and it becomes effective when the believer reaches spiritual self-esteem, the entrance into spiritual adulthood.
Once you have a personal sense of destiny and reach spiritual self-esteem God's purpose in permitting certain testing and suffering in your life is for evidence testing.
Heritage impact, is blessing by association with the mature believer after their death for the loved ones that the invisible hero leaves behind. This explains why the wicked often prosper. It is because they were the children or grandchildren of an invisible hero.
A major passage on a personal sense of destiny is 2Pet 3:11-14; "Since in this way all things will be destroyed, what sort of persons must you become in a dedicated-to-God lifestyle, that is to say, your very own spiritual life,
v12 while looking forward with confidence and hastening the coming day of God in which the heavens will be destroyed by burning and the elements will melt with an intense heat."
A personal sense of destiny includes living your life in the light of eternity (verse 11). When you start looking forward to eternity with confidence, you have a personal sense of destiny and spiritual self- esteem.
A personal sense of destiny relates the spiritual life of the believer in time to his status in the eternal state 2Pet 3:13;
A personal sense of destiny relates the spiritual life of the believer to the Exit Resurrection and the judgment seat of Christ that follows it 2Pet 3:14;
A distinction must be made between having a destiny and the fulfillment of destiny.
Every believer has a destiny because of positional sanctification. This is related to the baptism of the Spirit, whereby every believer is entered into union with Christ and shares the destiny of Christ.
Having a personal sense of destiny however requires experiential sanctification. That only occurs as a result of understanding God's plan for your life.
The experience of cognitive self-confidence from maximum doctrine in the soul is classified as having a personal sense of destiny. Cognitive self-confidence results in the experience of a personal sense of destiny.
While every believer has a destiny under the protocol plan of God and the unique features of the Church Age, not every believer actually attains that destiny through the execution of the protocol plan of God.
Only through post-salvation renovation of the thinking from metabolized Bible Doctrine that leads to the cognitive self-confidence related to your politeuma privileges can you have and enjoy a personal sense of destiny in all circumstances of life,
The personal sense of destiny is a problem-solving device that is designed for the perpetuation of spiritual momentum. Continuation of momentum results in becoming a winner and an invisible hero where a personal sense of destiny receives its fulfillment.
Having a personal sense of destiny aids the believer in passing the three categories of suffering for blessing in spiritual adulthood: providential preventative suffering, momentum testing, and evidence testing.
A personal sense of destiny is the experience of being a winner, and an invisible hero, a believer who has attained spiritual maturity. A personal sense of destiny is the thing that carries winners in times of great adversity and historical disaster.
Under the protocol plan of God, every believer has a destiny. But to know it, understand it, and have the confidence that goes with it is the experience of having developed a personal sense of destiny.
For the believers to fulfill their own unique destiny there must be cognition of Bible doctrine for the fulfillment of your destiny, which is the to execution of the protocol plan of God.
Under the protocol plan of God, every believer has a destiny. But rejection of doctrine or apathy toward doctrine, and distraction or preoccupation with pleasure, destroy the possibility of ever fulfilling that destiny and therefore of having a personal sense of destiny.
Having a destiny is not enough. You must fulfill that destiny through consistent perception of Bible doctrine. The believer must reside inside the divine power system, under the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, with momentum from metabolized doctrine.
Consistent positive volition is the thinking of TLJC that is revealed in the word of God results in the attainment of spiritual adulthood and the experience of having a personal sense of destiny. This means consistent and persistent exposure to the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.
Having a personal sense of destiny in spiritual adulthood is the prerequisite for the fulfillment of that destiny through the attainment of spiritual maturity under the principle that if God doesn't promote you, you're not promoted.
God promotes the prepared believer. The prepared believer is promoted by being manufactured into an invisible hero. The material from which the invisible hero is manufactured is made up of metabolized doctrine.
Part of being prepared is to have a personal sense of destiny from cognition of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.
A personal sense of destiny comes through perception of Bible doctrine but the fulfillment of that destiny comes through the application of that doctrine once it has been metabolized.
The Church Age believer must learn the content of the portfolio of invisible assets. For you cannot use what you do not understand. You will never understand what God has provided for you apart from the mastery of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.
The mystery doctrine of the Church Age orients the believer to God's purpose, will, and plan for life in the Church Age.
Having a personal sense of destiny requires that you understand what God has provided under logistical grace, the entire content of the portfolio of invisible assets, your politeuma privileges, your equal privilege and equal opportunity under God's plan, and the problem solving devices.
Once you begin to utilize and function in the nine problem solving devices, you begin to acquire a personal sense of destiny.
In time of historical disaster, a personal sense of destiny is a fantastic thing to apply to the daily circumstances of life.
A personal sense of destiny becomes motivation to be consistent in reception, retention, and recall of Bible doctrine.
A personal sense of destiny is related to the ten unique factors of the Church Age.
When you recall any factor related to the baptism of the Spirit, whether it's being a new spiritual species or sharing everything our Lord has because you're in union with Him, you can conclude in time of adversity that you have a personal sense of destiny.
Or you can conclude that because of the unique protocol plan of God, "I have a destiny."
Because of the unique equality factor of the protocol plan, you can say, "I have a destiny."
You can conclude: "Because of my portfolio of invisible assets provided by God the Father for me in eternity past, I have a destiny."
You can reflect: "Because of the two unique royal commissions, I have a destiny; because I'm a royal priest and because I'm a royal ambassador."
Or because of the unique mystery doctrine of the Church Age, you can say you have a destiny.
Or because of the indwelling of all three members of the Godhead, you can say, "I have a destiny."
Or because of maximum availability of divine omnipotence, you can say "I have a destiny."
Or because of living in a dispensation of no prophecy but in a time of historical trends, you can say "I have a destiny."
Or, "Because I am commanded to advance to maturity and become a winner and an invisible hero, I have destiny."
There is no reason why you should not be aware of the fact that you have a destiny, and learn how to enjoy the experience of having your very own personal sense of destiny.