Class Notes: 8/3/2011

A personal sense of destiny replaces human self esteem with spiritual self esteem

In our study of Spiritual Self Esteem, last time we left off with the principle that God is perfect; therefore, it is impossible for perfect God to create an imperfect plan.

The perfect plan of God, the protocol plan, however, is created for imperfect people.

Because God is the author of the perfect protocol plan, contradictions cannot exist in the plan. The fact that there sometimes seem to be contradictions means that in that area we have failed to properly execute God's plan.

When a believer is without doctrine, his thoughts, motives, decisions, and actions contradict the protocol plan of God. This contradiction is marked by ignorance of Bible doctrine and resultant lack of spiritual self-esteem.

Lack of spiritual self-esteem destroys all interpersonal relationships in life especially marriage.

Spiritual self-esteem recognizes that no believer can think, apply doctrine, or solve problems through the thinking or personality of another.

The believer cannot account for his motives, thoughts, decisions and actions in ambiguous terms. This means that any ambiguity must be removed by the inculcation of doctrine and resultant doctrinal conceptualism that comes from thinking based on the absolute truth that is revealed in the Word of God.

Spiritual self-esteem is not a system of self-improvement based on the advice and counseling from others. You are not to be dependent on others for counseling.

This is why God has provided every believer with their own royal priesthood, logistical grace from election, and their own destiny from predestination so that each one of us, under the power of doctrine and the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, can execute the Christian way of life that is defined by the protocol plan of God.

The privacy of the priesthood provides the right to positive volition, plus the right to metabolize and apply doctrine with your own intellect in your own spiritual life.

Under privacy, we are free to fail and free to succeed.

The believer, who depends on others for counseling, guidance, inspiration, sharing, and motivation, becomes weak, because he is trying to use other people as a substitute for learning doctrine.

The believer cannot become strong without their thinking being renovated from the function of doctrinal teaching from the communication gift of pastor-teacher that God has provided as part of logistical grace support.

Failure to learn doctrine results in failure to attain spiritual self- esteem.

With spiritual self-esteem you are free from human viewpoint thinking, motivation derived from counseling, sharing, flattery, patronizing, or spiritual bullying. All of these are distractions that come from people dependence.

As we have seen, spiritual self-esteem is the declaration of independence of the royal priesthood and becomes the base of operations for the most effective application of Bible doctrine in Christian experience.

Spiritual self-esteem ultimately replaces human self-esteem. 1Cor 15:9-10;

When spiritual self-esteem replaces human self-esteem problems are solved using the power of the word of God. This resolves the problems of inadequacy that come from the handicaps of genetics or environment that are often the source of feeling inadequate.

At one time or another, most people are made to feel inadequate; maybe in competition, or in frustration in love life or social life. Such feelings of inadequacy can be detrimental to the function of the spiritual life and spiritual self-esteem.

But believers must understand that all genetic and environmental handicaps are set aside at the moment of salvation. This means that every believer has equal privilege and equal opportunity under election and predestination.

Since God provided your escrow blessings for you in eternity past, no genetic or environmental handicap can keep you from receiving your escrow blessings. Only your negative volition can do that, and that has nothing to do with genetics or environment.

You are the only one who can make an issue out of your handicaps; God does not. You're never to think of yourself in any other way except as a member of the royal family of God. Therefore, you have no right to penalize yourself through feelings of inadequacy, nor do you have the right to try to make anyone else feel inadequate.

While genetics and environment can provide incentive for good or evil, failure or success, weakness or strength, they are not the cause of any of these things. We must distinguish between incentive and cause.

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