Class Notes: 2/15/2012

Negative Volition towards Doctrine results hardness of heart that is manifested as fear

In our continuing study of the uniqueness of the Church Age last time we concluded with the principle that church age believers cannot think, apply doctrine, or solve problems through the thinking of another believer.

When believers depend on counseling or guidance from others and do not personally have correct and accurate teaching regarding the protocol plan of God they have no doctrinal resources in their soul and automatically fail.

Negative volition toward doctrine results in scar tissue of the soul. Fear, worry, and anxiety are manifestations of the subjective arrogance that comes from negative volition toward doctrine.

Believers who function in God's plan have no fear. 1John 4:18; 2Tim 1:7;NET because a lifestyle of fear and the spiritual life are mutually exclusive. Psa 56:3;

The more you surrender to fear, the more things you fear. To the extent that you surrender to fear, you increase the power of fear in your life. The more things that acquire the power of fear in your life, the greater your capacity for fear.

The greatest failures in life are believers who fail to understand and to execute the protocol plan of God because more has been given to the individual believer to fulfill God's will, purpose and plan during the church age that any other time in human history.

The protocol plan of God for the church age establishes unique equality because of God's provision of election and predestination. In election, God states His desire for your life. In predestination, God provides everything you need for His desire to be accomplished in your life.

Election is the expression of the sovereignty of God for your life in time. Under election you have equal privilege as a royal priest whereby you represent yourself privately before God and you have equal opportunity in logistical grace support and blessing.

Predestination is the provision of the sovereignty of God for you to execute God's plan. Your equal privilege under predestination is the baptism of the Holy Spirit at salvation placing you in union with Jesus Christ.

Equal opportunity is only made possible by persistent residence inside the divine dynasphere. James 4:6; This equal privilege and equal opportunity means that there is no excuse for any believer to fail to advance in God's plan for their lives.

This unique equality when combined with free volition ultimately results in great inequality among Church Age believers in the eternal state. This is because some believers are positive and choose to advance in the Christian way of life, and some believers are negative and choose not to advance.

Those who do not go forward in God's plan go backward and those who persevere overcome. It is our persistent day-by-day perception of the Word of God that results in our understanding the policy and the mechanics for life in God's plan.

God is perfect and His plan is perfect. During our life in time we are incapable of executing a perfect plan because of the OSN. This means it is necessary for God to provide us with all of the assets that are needed to execute His plan.

This is why God provided each one of us our very own unique portfolio of invisible assets in eternity before time existed. Eph 1:3-6.

This includes the assets of election and predestination that include the escrow blessings that are part of the divine decree. It includes the assets related to volition and production as well as the assets of undeserved suffering for blessing, and invisible impact and the personnel assets that include the spiritual gift that was conveyed at salvation. 1Cor 12:7;

In addition to this every Church Age believer has the unique royal commissions of priesthood and ambassadorship. As a member of the universal royal priesthood where we represent ourselves before God. The universal priesthood of the believer is taught in 1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 1:6; and Rev 5:10.

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