In our study of Mark last time we ended up in Mark 1:21-22; Where we see that Jesus used the synagogues as a platform for the presentation of His message to the people. In his presentation he spoke with authority unlike the scribes so we took up a study on the doctrine of authority.
We saw that the primary Greek word for authority is "exousia" that means the inherent right to exercise authority; that must be contrasted with the Greek word "dunamis" that means power.
Authority is defined as the power to command, to judge, or to act by those in whom the authority is vested. Authority or authorities applies to those who have legal power to make and enforce the law, to make policy, or to make decisions.
Authority can also be an accepted source of information, as in the case of the authority of the pastor-teacher to provide doctrinal or theological information from the Scripture. Authority can also be a reference to an expert on any particular subject.
Under the laws of divine establishment, authority is defined as that legal power, delegated by God, whereby certain individuals have jurisdiction and responsibility for others.
The powers in life can be divided into the two general categories: legitimate and illegitimate. Those vested with legitimate authority have both "exousia" and "dunamis" or authority and power but illegitimate authority only has "dunamis" or power.
Legitimate authority is established according to Scripture, the laws of the land, or in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards. God has delegated legitimate authority to function as temporal and spiritual.
Legitimate authority functions in the temporal realm under the laws of divine establishment. Freedom is the right of self-determination from human volition apart from the violation of law or authority.
Privacy is the right to hold opinions make decisions and engage in actions that do not interfere with the rights of others. Divine Establishment establishes the sacredness of freedom, privacy, property and life.
Within the national entity law enforcement, is to be the guardian of freedom and privacy and maintain the sacredness of property, and life.
Legitimate authority also functions in the spiritual realm under spiritual protocol for each dispensation. Spiritual freedom is the function of the believer when they are functioning according to the Word under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. Passages that teach spiritual freedom include:
John 8:32; "You shall know the truth (Bible doctrine), and the truth shall make you free (spiritually)."
Psa 119:45; "I will walk in freedom; for I seek your doctrines."
Gal 5:1; "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Keep standing fast, and do not become entangled again in the yoke of slavery ( of living in the cosmic systems)."
Temporal and spiritual freedom relate to these categories of authorities. The primary purpose of temporal freedom is to be evangelized.
Illegitimate authority is illegal, unlawful authority that is generally established by unlawful or illegal force. It is the use of power to control people without the lawful right to use power in that manner.
Examples of this would be a mob or drug cartel or a criminal with at weapon or in the case of nations an international body such as the United Nations.
Illegitimate authority is that authority established by Satan through the function of the cosmic system. It is evident in the erroneous seizure of power, the rise of dictators and tyranny throughout history.
Illegitimate authority is delegated by Satan as the ruler of this world under the categories of tyranny, false doctrine, and power struggles.