In our study of Mark we are in Mark 7:23; where Jesus explained to his disciples that a person is defiled by what comes out of their thinking not from what they eat or weather their hands are washed before eating.
Jesus was focusing on reality rather than ritual because it is spiritual death and the OSN that predisposes everyone to perform sin and evil and that is the real problem that mankind faces. So we took up a study on the doctrine of the OSN.
In that study we left off in a discussion of the fragmentation that occurs from the OSN. There are at least six categories of fragmentation from the old sin nature.
Personal or self-fragmentation is related to the sin nature's area of weakness and area of strength. Heb 6:1, "Therefore, leaving behind (graduating from) the elementary teachings about Christ (basic doctrines of the Hypostatic Union, Christology, soteriology)...
let us advance to maturity (through the execution of protocol plan) not laying again the foundation (doctrines of salvation and spirituality) of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God."
Dead works come from the area of strength of the old sin nature. God considers all good works that are produced under the control of the sin nature to be dead so they do not glorify Him. Isa 64:6b;
Polarized fragmentation is related to the trends of the sin nature. The sin nature has a trend toward self-righteous arrogance with it's asceticism, legalism and religion or toward antinomianism arrogance with it's lascivious lawlessness and arrogant self justification.
Perpetuated legalistic fragmentation results in moral degeneracy. Perpetuated antinomian fragmentation results in immoral degeneracy.
Pre-salvation sinning is resolved by faith in Christ. On the cross Jesus Christ on was judged for all personal sins. At the moment anyone believes in Christ, the problem of pre- salvation sinning is resolved, for those sins are all forgiven, Isa 43:25, Isa 44:22; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14.
Post-salvation sinning requires the use of problem solving device #1 with it's self evaluation and acknowledgment of known sins to God 1Cor 11:25; 1John 1:9;
The arrogance created from polarized fragmentation creates conflict among believers who have opposite trends in their old sin natures because when people are arrogant they are intolerant of others.
This conflict can drive some who have positive volition away from doctrine. Rom 14:4; Rom 14:10-13;
Fragmentation related to subjective arrogance includes unrealistic expectation and role model arrogance. Unrealistic expectation is subjective preoccupation with self; role model arrogance is unrealistic subjective preoccupation with others.
Human relationship fragmentation includes the problem of fragmentation in Christian fellowship and the problem of fragmentation within marriage.
Fragmentation related to emotion involves emotional sins including fear, worry, anxiety, hatred, anger, violence, and murder; these sins perpetuate fragmentation.
Fragmentation related to our relationship with God includes failure to understand and use the problem solving devices and failure to execute the protocol plan of God. After salvation believers continue to possess a sin nature and to use their volition to choose to sin so in a spiritual sense they are walking grenades that can fragment at any time
1John 1:8; tells us we continue to possess the old sin nature. "If we say (contend, maintain, assert) that we have no sin (nature), we deceive ourselves, and doctrine is not in us."
1John 1:10; "If we say (contend, maintain, assert) that we have not sinned (after salvation), we make Him a liar and His doctrine is not in us."
However, only the volition of the believer can pull the pin of the grenade. Being tempted by the sin nature is not sin. It is only when believers use their volition to choose for temptation that is being presented that the pin of the grenade is pulled.
The pin of the grenade is always related to some form of arrogance. Arrogance is manifested in many ways including jealousy, bitterness, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, self-righteous arrogance, motivational and functional revenge, slander, maligning, gossip, and judging.
The fragmentation that occurs as a result of the sin moves in the direction of the trends of the sin nature.
If the trend is toward self-righteous arrogance and legalism, the fragments of the life include slander, gossip, maligning, judging, and Christian activism.
If the trend is toward lasciviousness and lawlessness, the trend is toward sexual and even criminality.
The only way a believer can recover from self- fragmentation is by using the first problem-solving device.
The trend toward self-righteousness and legalism produces such heresies as saying that you cannot commit certain sins and still be a Christian. That is incorrect because a believer can commit any sin that an unbeliever can commit.
A misunderstanding of our Lord's teaching of the principle found in Matt 7:20: that "you will know them by their fruits" motivates self- righteous Christians conclude that people are not really believers unless they demonstrate the proper manifestation of what they think believers should do.
This results in the false ideas that result in heretical conclusions including salvation by works or spirituality by works
The trend toward lasciviousness and lawlessness results in antinomianism that reacts against Bible doctrine from self-righteous, self-deceived, self-justifying arrogance.
When unbelievers reject the truth of Divine establishment or the believer rejects the truth of Divine establishment or Bible Doctrine an arrogance of false perspective is established. These false perspectives may be manifested in the following ways.
The arrogant believer who rejects the doctrine of eternal security thinks that he can do something to lose his salvation. He assumes that his sins and failures are greater than what God has done through the saving work of Christ on the cross and the forty things he received from God at salvation.
Or the arrogant believer erroneously concludes he must add something to faith in Christ for salvation. The arrogant believer erroneously assumes that dead works of legalism and morality are greater than the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit inside God's spiritual power system and he thinks his moral dead works are spirituality.
The arrogant believer who succumbs to the pressures of discipline, suffering, adversity, and injustice erroneously assumes that his sufferings are greater than the provision God's grace assets and the problem solving devices of God's protocol plan.
The arrogant believer who depends on emotional activity, such as dedication ceremonies, tongues, inspirational speakers, and personal attention from the pastor or evangelist, erroneously assumes that his personal feelings and experiences are greater than the perception of doctrine.
The arrogant believer who is involved in the demand syndrome who has unrealistic expectations and role model arrogance assumes that people emphasis is more important than God emphasis that comes from God's word.
The believer is arrogant when he listens to the teaching of Bible doctrine with preconceived ideas thereby distorting the perception of doctrine.
The believer is arrogant when he uses epignosis doctrine that he has retained to serve himself by advancing his own agenda rather than allowing it to lead him in following God's agenda.
The believer is arrogant when he applies doctrine to justify himself or to establish himself in a system of self-righteousness.
These principles are summarized in 1Tim 6:3-4; "If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with sound doctrine, those doctrines from our Lord Jesus Christ, even the doctrines pertaining to godliness (life in Gods spiritual power system),
v4 he has received arrogance (fragmentation of life), understanding nothing. Furthermore, he has a morbid obsession about controversies and verbal conflicts, from which originate jealousy, discord, and evil speculations."
The issue in sin is volition because no one commits a sin apart from their own consent. Even if you don't know it's a sin, you wanted to do it and you do it, and so are responsible for that sin.
The sin nature is the source of temptation. Human volition is the source of sin.
Once a sin is committed the sin nature controls the soul and is stronger than when it was merely residing in the body.
There are two categories of sins, sins of cognizance where the temptation from the sin nature is recognized, and the volition chooses to sin and the sins of ignorance when temptation from the sin nature is not recognized as potential sin, but volition chooses to succumb and thereby commits a sin of ignorance.
When believers use their volition to sin, they fragment their own life. The Bible refers to this self-fragmentation is called carnality or being under the control of the sin nature. It is the function of life in satan's cosmic system that leads to the stages of reversionism.
The trend toward lascivious lawlessness and the trend toward self- righteous arrogance cause conflict among believers. People who participate in this conflict between the two opposite trends fragment themselves.