In our study of Mark we are in Mark 11:22-25; where Jesus explains to His disciples the principles for the function of faith-rest and based on this we have taken up a study of faith-rest where we have seen that faith rest is essentially understanding, believing and resting in what God's Word tells us and waiting for God to come through for us in his perfect timing.
Last time we were looking at some passages that explain that happiness is thinking God's Word. It is the result of the thinking of Christ being resident and circulating in the soul by faith rest recall.
Psa 146:5; "Happiness belongs to the one whose confidence is in the Lord." NET
Psa 128:1; "How happy is everyone who is occupied with the Lord, who walks in His ways." NET
Heb 13:5-6; "Let your lifestyle be free from love for money, and be content with what you have; for He Himself has said, `I will never leave you, I will never forsake you,'
v6 so that we may say with confidence, `The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid of what man can do to me?'"
Phil 4:6-7, "Stop worrying about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
v7 And the tranquility of God, which transcends all understanding, will garrison your hearts and minds because of Christ Jesus."
Neh 8:10;d "Do not be upset because the happiness of God is your strength."
1Pet 1:3-9; "Blessed be the God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who on the basis of His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living confidence through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
v4 resulting in an inheritance imperishable, undefiled, unfading, that is preserved in heaven for you,
v5 who are being constantly guarded by the power of God by means of doctrine (faith-rest) resulting in deliverance prepared to be revealed in the last time.
1Pet 1:6; In this, you greatly rejoice (sharing the happiness of God), even though now for a little while, if necessary, you may have to suffer for a short time under various adversities,
v7 so that the testing of your belief in doctrine (faith-rest recall), that is more valuable than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may be found to result in commendation, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ, Net notes 14,15
v8 You have not seen Him but you love him. You do not see Him now but you believe, and you greatly rejoice with and inexpressible happiness because you are attaining the objective of your doctrine the deliverance of your souls."
Living life in your personal sense of destiny (confidence or hope in God parlayed from faith rest ) makes you happy no matter what the adversity or opposition from people or circumstances. Heb 12:2;
When you live in your personal sense of destiny you are completely content no matter what because you know who you are (humility), what you are supposed to do (professionalism) and how to do it (integrity), and you are advancing toward those objectives through your application of doctrine under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. Phil 3:14;
During this process faith rest coordinates the problem solving devices and deploys them as a means of defending the soul from attack by deflecting the pressure from suffering and adversity so it does not become stress in the soul.
All of the problem solving devices have faith execution in common so advanced faith rest coordinates their recall and application as the pressures from suffering and adversity demands.
Faith-rest also coordinates the functions of the power options of the filling of the Holy Spirit and metabolized doctrine.
As a part of your spiritual life you have to execute 1John 1:9; and 1Cor 11:31; under the principle of Amos 3:3; and Rev 3:20; in order to meet with God when we have entered into the state of sin nature control of the soul.
Then you must use faith rest to believe God's Word as it is communicated in order for the information to be understood and available for use.
One of the greatest functions of faith-rest is the challenge to use faith execution to establish a harmonious relationship for the interactions of the problem solving devices and thereby to prevent to outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul.
Coordination is defined as the harmonious combination and the interaction of the functions on the defense line of the soul. This coordination and interaction of problem solving devices is directly related to faith recall and execution.