Lam 3:21-23; I recall this to my mind, and it gives me confidence. Because The Lord's mercy never fails; His grace provisions never cease, they are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness... Therefore I have hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait silently on Him.
In our study of the doctrine of the winner believer. Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; We have noted that winner believers are the unknown, unsung heroes of history. 2Cor 6:9; who are the targets of God's grace imputations that support all of mankind.
Last time we started a segment about the ultimate winner in God's plan our Lord Jesus Christ. The passage in Heb 12:2; establishes Jesus as the pioneer and perfecter of faith (the doctrine) who is our role model for the application of faith (doctrine).
Last time we noted that to provide salvation for mankind it was necessary for one member of the Godhead to become humanity because God's immutable essence is not subject to death.
God's perfect righteousness cannot have contact with sin. God has eternal life so He cannot die. God's omnipresence: cannot be reduced to one point (in this case the cross). Omnipotence is not able to die, and His immutability cannot change or be changed so none of these characteristics could be compromised.
This means that it was necessary for Jesus Christ to become human so He could be to be qualified to be the savior of humanity.
Only a human being who lived a perfect life would be qualified to pay the penalty for sin that is spiritual death because absolute righteousness cannot have contact with sin and remain absolute righteousness.
It was necessary for Jesus Christ to become humanity in order to die physically, so that he could have a resurrection body, so that believers could have a resurrection body.
It was necessary for humanity (in a resurrection body) to ascend into heaven and be accepted by God the Father, so that believers in resurrection bodies would also be acceptable to God the Father. John 3:13;
It was necessary for God to become man in order to act as mediator between God and man because a mediator must be equal with both parties in a dispute.
It was necessary for Jesus Christ to become man in order to represent us before God as our High Priest. Heb 10:11-12;
It was necessary for Jesus to become man in order to fulfill the Davidic covenant that stated that David would have a Son who will reign over Israel forever. 2Sam 7:12-13; Psalms 89:2-3; 2Chronicles 13:5;
No humanity was in heaven prior to the arrival of the humanity of Jesus Christ. John 3:13; The issue that was unknown until that point of time was would the humanity of Jesus Christ be acceptable to the holiness of God the Father.
Heb 1:3; Heb 1:13; and Heb 12:1-2; explain to us that Jesus' humanity was accepted.
Heb 1:3; "Who (LJC) being the brightness (shining forth) of His glory (Essence of God) and the express (exact) image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself, purged our sins, sat down on the right hand ( the place of honor) of the majesty (God the Father) on high."
His being accepted indicated His success in completing the work of salvation: Hebrews 10:11-12 the words "But He" (NASB) refer to Jesus Christ's humanity.
The perfection of God the Son in hypostatic union satisfied the perfect righteousness demanded by the holiness of God the Father. Rom 3:25; 1Pet 1:18-19;
The work of the humanity of the Son of God on the cross satisfied the justice of God the Father. God's justice demanded a penalty for sin. Rom 6:23; that God's righteousness would accept.
The acceptance of the humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ meant the acceptance of His sacrifice. The acceptance of His sacrifice meant the acceptance of all who seek entrance to the presence of the Father by faith in Jesus Christ.
Through His redemptive work on the cross followed by his resurrection, ascension, and session, the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished bringing many sons (people) into glory. Heb 2:9-10;
Because the God-Man is accepted, the Father accepts everyone who believes in Jesus. Eph 1:6; tells us that all believers are "accepted in the beloved."
Because the God-Man is seated at the right hand of God the Father, every believer is positionally seated at the right hand of the Father. Eph 2:6; NET "And has raised us up together with him and made us sit together with him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
The fact that the humanity of Jesus Christ is glorified above all angels. Heb 1:13; means that every believer in Jesus Christ in union with Him is also positionally higher than angels. Heb 1:14;
Because of this position after they receive their resurrection bodies at Jesus' second advent believers will judge angels. 1Cor 6:3;
Jesus Christ functions as the believer's defense attorney at all times from His position at the right hand of the Father. Regardless of the experiential status of the believer He defends every believer against every one of satan's accusations.
The basis for this defense is the unlimited atonement. Jesus Christ bore the every sin of mankind. This means he was judged for every believer's sin regardless of whither they occur before or after salvation. He was judged for the sins of the entire human race. 1Peter 2:24; 2Cor 5:21; Rev 1:5; Col 2:14; Heb 9:27,28;
As Jesus Christ was bearing every sin of mankind in His unglorified body on the cross God the Father judged them. Psalms 22:1-6; 1Pet 3:18;
Under the principle of double jeopardy a person's sins that have already been judged cannot be judged again. This is the principle of "once and for all" in Rom 6:10;
Since a sin can only be judged once satan's accusations even though true are thrown out of court because Jesus Christ was already judged for every sin as in our place. We are not judged for them ever. Rom 8:1;
Because Jesus was judged for them, the believer's sins are a family matter. Satan's accusations are thrown out of court as inadmissible and from His position seated at the right hand of the Father, our defense attorney, Jesus argues the case against satan. 1John 2:1;
The family member who does not adjust to the justice of God is subject to the Father's discipline.1Cor 11:30-32; 1John 1:9; Heb 12:6;
The basis of Jesus' defense is 1John 1:7; that tells us that the blood of Jesus Christ keeps on purifying( present active indicative of katharizo) us from all sin.
While Jesus is representing us in Heaven We are representing Him here on the earth. Jesus Christ has never lost a case and never will. His defense is always the same: His completed work on the cross.
The basis for God's acceptance of Jesus and His work is His impeccability. The deity of Jesus Christ's deity was always impeccable. His humanity is also impeccable. 1John 3:5; 2Cor 5:21;
Because of the virgin birth Jesus did not have an old sin nature so Adam's original sin could not be imputed to Him. This resulted in His humanity being born spiritually alive. 1Cor 15:22;
The first man, Adam, was created without a sin nature. The humanity of Jesus Christ was the only man born without a sin nature.
Jesus remained sinless while He lived on the earth in his unglorified humanity. 2Cor 5:21; Heb 4:15; 1Pet 2:22;
From His birth Jesus was always filled with the Holy Spirit with the result that the Holy Spirit was given to Him without measure (limitation). John 3:34; He did not need to be commanded to keep on being filled with the spirit. Eph 5:18b; because He was always filled with the spirit.