Class Notes: 10/25/2017

Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; The doctrine of the winner part 105;The portfolio of invisible spiritual assets

Lam 3:21-25; I recall this (God's Word of truth) to my mind, and it gives me confidence. Because The Lord's mercy never fails; His grace provisions never cease, they are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness... Therefore I have hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait silently on Him.

We are presently in a study of the doctrine of winner believers Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; who are the unknown, unsung heroes of history as God's witnesses in the prosecution of satan and the fallen angels. 2Cor 6:9; and who are the targets of God's grace imputations and one of the reason why God continues to support the human race in the evil adversity of the devil's world. 2Pet 3:9;

Winner believers have positive volition to God's Word and allow God to work in them to parlay the portfolio of invisible assets that God provides for every believer in their election and predestination at salvation into capacity to receive the greater grace escrow blessings that God deposited for them in eternity past.

Last time we were noting the undeserved suffering assets that are a category of the secondary assets that are deployed during the believer's advance to test the believer's persistence in their orientation to God's grace policy that is revealed in His Word of truth. Heb 10:32-38;

We noted that after capacity is developed from the perception and metabolization of His Word then God permits the various categories of undeserved suffering that function as a venue for the vindication of God's Word to test the believer's capacity with the result that the momentum generated from positive volition to the adversity under grace orientation in the testing becomes one of the greatest secondary assets in the portfolio. 2Cor 4:17-18; Phil 1:21;

What is so amazing about suffering for blessing is that in eternity past God provided the categories of suffering for blessing that you would encounter as part of your portfolio of invisible spiritual assets for the purpose of building capacity to receive it.

Whether you ever use them or not depends on whether you have sufficient momentum from positive volition. Like escrow blessings, God deposited in escrow undeserved suffering for the purpose of blessing you under His grace policy.

Under the principle of God using the wrath of man to praise Him (Psa 76:10;) God uses the three categories of undeserved suffering to create additional momentum in His power system for believers with positive volition with the result that they are blessed by His grace.

This means that the undeserved suffering for blessing that is part of God's plan is designed exclusively for God to bless believers.

The alternative category of suffering for negative volition to God's system is the self induced suffering and misery that functions on the basis of the law of volitional responsibility and the categories of divine discipline. 2Cor 13:8; Hos 8:7; 1Cor 11:30;

This kind of suffering is not part of your portfolio. They are the result of rejecting God's grace policy and your portfolio. This suffering is what believers bring on themselves when they reject God's grace policy and His plan because of negative volition with the result that they never know or understand the benefits that are developed from these three categories of undeserved suffering for blessing.

Undeserved suffering for blessing is only for spiritual adults. To miss out on undeserved suffering for blessing is to miss out on the primary reason that God has allowed us to be placed in the devil's world in a position of weakness. 2Cor 4:7; 2Cor 12:9; Phil 1:29; Matt 10:34-39;

The last of the four categories of secondary assets are the invisible impact assets. The portfolio of invisible assets provides for the royal family of God to have a positive spiritual impact on human history. This impact is invisible and accomplishes much more than any system of human good accomplishes.

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