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Lam 3:21-25; I recall this (God's Word of truth) to my mind, and it gives me confidence. Because The Lord's mercy never fails; His grace provisions never cease, they are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness... I therefore have hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait silently on Him.
We are presently in a study of the doctrine of winner believers Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; who are the unknown, unsung heroes of history as God's witnesses in the prosecution of satan and the fallen angels. 2Cor 6:9; and who are the targets of God's grace imputations and one of the reason why God continues to support the human race in the evil adversity of the devil's world. 2Pet 3:9;
God's Word creates capacity for the believer to trust in God to work for them even when they don't understand exactly how and why.
Doctrinal viewpoint is also what enables the believer to have the patience to wait on God's timing. Isa 40:31; and accept His sovereign decision regardless of the outcome. This is what winners do. Matt 26:39; Phil 2:5-11;
This viewpoint that is based on the reality of God's Word of truth is doctrinal orientation.
As God's Word circulates in the believer's stream of consciousness and becomes the basis for their decisions in life doctrinal orientation Is established with the result that the believer places priority on the invisible reality that God's Word aka Bible Doctrine reveals. Heb 11:1a; NIV
God's Word is powerful because it is a readout of God's sovereignty as established in His Divine Decree and is more certain than the heavens and the earth. Matt 24:35;
Heb 4:12; "For the word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to separate the soul and the spirit, both joints and marrow, able to evaluate the thoughts and the motivations of the heart."
We are presently looking at the example of the application of doctrinal orientation in Heb 10:35-38; that tells us that the Jewish believers in Jerusalem in 67 AD were at risk of "throwing Bible doctrine away" as worthless because of their emotional attachment to God's ritual plan for Israel that God had repealed with the launch of the Church Age.
Last time we ended at Heb 10:38; My righteous one shall live by means of doctrine and if he shrinks back my soul has no pleasure in him.
This is the third OT quotation in this passage. "But My justified ones shall live by faith," is a quotation from Hab 2:4; It begins with the conjunctive particle "de" that is used as a transition to add another OT quotation.
The Hebrew word is the plural of " tsadiq" and a good translation is "righteous ones" or "justified ones." It means someone who has been justified, vindicated or made righteous by God not someone who has always been righteous.
"Tsadiq" also means vindication and there are two cases where justification or vindication exists for the believer.
The first case is salvation. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we are vindicated, justified or made righteous by means of doctrine (faith).
After salvation God calls us His "justified" or "vindicated ones." The reason for that is because of what God did for us at the moment that we believed that Jesus is the Son of God. Rom 3:21-26;
When we are born physically it is just like inheriting a debt of a million dollars, a debt that is so large that it is impossible for us to pay. When our Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross He paid off that debt when He was judged for our sins in our place as our substitute.
This is the doctrine of redemption. So the debt is completely paid off and cancelled but that is only half of what God did for us. The other half is that God the Father also gives us His perfect righteousness (+R) at the moment we believe in Jesus Christ.
God not only forgives us but also says, "Vindicated" or "Justified." So we are justified not because we live good lives or because we are better than others but because of what God did for us through Jesus Christ on the basis of his grace policy at the moment we simply believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Heb 10:38; And that is what we have from the Hebrew word "tsadiq" that means "justified one. "Tsadiq" is translated into the Greek as 'dikaios" that also means a justified one. However, in this verse we also have a possessive pronoun, so it is translated " My justified one."
This adds the fact that we belong to God because He justified us on the basis of grace and doctrine (faith). Eph 2:8-9;
His integrity love in compliance with His perfect Holiness (+R,+J) through the application of His grace policy because of what He did for us through Jesus' work on the cross determined that we were justified on the basis of doctrine (faith).
"shall live" all of us have moments of difficulty, upset and discouragement. Every believer at one time or another has difficult issues in life that can cause them to become upset or discouraged.
In order to live as God would have us live we must develop a frame of reference from faith (doctrine) and we can look at this from the perspective of being on the inside and the outside because doctrine is the basis of loving God. John 14:15; 1John 5:3;
Being on the inside is a love for God from positive volition toward doctrine. Being on the outside is hatred of God from negative volition toward doctrine.
On the inside there is an orderly life, a life where you understand that God provides everything through His grace policy. On the inside life has meaning and purpose and definition along with the capacity to resolve every problem we encounter from a position of strength.
On the outside there is no understanding of God's grace policy so there is discipline, trouble, disaster, catastrophe, and no effective way to effectively cope with adversity.