Class Notes: 1/21/2018

The doctrine of doctrinal orientation part 15

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Lam 3:21-25; I recall this (God's Word of truth) to my mind, and it gives me confidence. Because The Lord's mercy never fails; His grace provisions never cease, they are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness... I therefore have hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait silently on Him.

We are presently in a study of the doctrine of the winner believer Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; that the world does not deserve Heb 11:37-40; those who are the unknown, unsung heroes of history as God's witnesses in the prosecution of satan and the fallen angels. 2Cor 6:9;

Winners are those who become the targets of God's grace imputations because they have capacity from believing God's word with the result that they become the ones who God supports to press His doctrinal advance in the spiritual death of the devil's world because He desires everyone to be saved. 1Tim 2:4;

We are presently looking at the doctrinal viewpoint of the winner believer. When the believer has doctrinal viewpoint God's Word creates capacity for the believer to trust that God will work for them even when they don't understand exactly how and why they just understand and believe that God is always true and faithful to His Word.

This is also why doctrinal viewpoint is enables the winner believer to have the patience to wait on God's timing. Isa 40:31; and accept His sovereign decision regardless of the temporal outcome because they understand that God's eternal plan is perfect. Matt 26:39; Phil 2:5-11; Rom 8:28;

Doctrinal viewpoint aka doctrinal orientation is based on the absolute reality of God's perfection that is only revealed in God's Word of truth that can only be acquired by hearing it being taught. Rom 10:17;

Winners submit to this teaching and learn to conduct their lives on the basis of doctrinal viewpoint. Rom 1:16-17;

Doctrinal viewpoint is what provides winners with cognitive invincibility that is based on the veracity and faithfulness of God and His Word. Isa 28:16 Isa 26:3; Psa 119:165; Psa 56:4-6;

All of this is possible because of Jesus' strategic victory in the angelic conflict on the cross where God made provision for the fall of mankind and every subsequent failure (sin) that was the result of the fall.

We noted last time that Jesus defeated satan on the cross by providing a way for God to give mankind a means of righteousness that satisfies the requirements of the law but do not require mankind to keep the law. Rom 10:4;

On the cross God created a way for mankind to become righteous on the basis of imputation by simply believing the doctrine (faith) that states that Jesus is the Son of God. Rom 3:21-26; Acts 16:31; 2Cor 5:21;

Man's initial failure to comply with the mandates (sin) in God's Word (the law) was the basis for mankind's separation from God, enslavement to satan and confinement inside the prison of his cosmic systems. Rom 5:18-21; Rom 8:3;

Because of Jesus' finished work, because of the strategic victory, because of His resurrection, ascension and His session at the right hand of God the Father the Age of Israel was interrupted and God inserted an entirely new dispensation that corresponds with this new reality

During the dispensation of the Church was inserted where God would create a new spiritual species, a new royal family that Jesus Christ could pass His legacy of faith (Bible doctrine) to.

During the Church Age this faith (doctrine) is called the "mystery doctrine" and it would reveal to His royal family, the church, what God's mission, goals and objectives are for them while Jesus waits for God the Father's signal for Him to return to the earth in His second advent, to remove satan from office, confine him in the lake of fire, and commence the promised millennial dispensation.

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