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John 3:19-21;NET The basis for judging is that the light (the source of truth) has come into the world but people loved the darkness (the source of the lie) rather than the light, because their deeds were evil.
v20 For everyone who does evil deeds hates the light and does not come to the light, so that their deeds will not be exposed. But the one who practices the truth comes to the light, so that it may be plainly evident that his deeds have been done in God.
Heb 4:12; God's Word is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword and it pierces between the soul and the spirit and judges the thoughts and intents of the stream of consciousness.
James 1:20; Man's anger (emotion) does not perform God's righteousness.
Gal 6:7-8; Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Hosea 8:7; They sow to the wind and reap the whirlwind...
2Cor 13:11; For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth.
Hosea 4:6;b Because you have rejected God's law God will reject your children.
We are presently in a study of the doctrine of the winners whose children are never rejected Deut 7:9; James 4:6-8a; those who live in the world but are not of the world John 17:16; those whom the world does not deserve Heb 11:38;
Winners are the unknown, unsung heroes of history who testify of the veracity of God's perfect integrity in the spiritual darkness, deception, propaganda, lies, deceit and death of the devil's world during human history where God is invisibly conducting the criminal prosecution of satan and the fallen angels by empirically demonstrating that their false allegations are lies. Rev 12:9-11;
Winners are those who are the targets of God's grace imputations because they have capacity from believing the faith aka the doctrine that is comprised of God's word of truth with the result that they become the ones who God sustains to press His doctrinal advance in the spiritual deception and death that engulfs the devil's world.
God demonstrates His unfailing integrity love for every person who is enslaved by the deception of satan's cosmic systems and makes provision for each one to be freed. 1Tim 2:4; Rom 5:8; 2Cor 5:21; Gal 5:1;
We have seen that it is the winner's doctrinal viewpoint that creates capacity for God's grace imputation. When the believer's viewpoint is based on God's Word of truth, truth becomes the target for the imputation of God's grace that is the exclusive basis for freedom, prosperity and happiness.
God's grace imputations to believers are so HUGE that they are incomparable to the adversity and suffering that they endure during their life in the devil's world. Rom 8:18; NET
At this point in our study we are noting that the consequence of the rejection of God's Word of truth is inversion of thought that creates unrighteousness and injustice. This occurs because the natural person does not understand God 1Cor 2:14;
This means that without continuous daily renovation of our thinking from God's Word of there is continuous daily degeneration of our thinking from satan's lies and deception. This means that if we are not actively pursuing truth we are passively rejecting truth.
Rejection of the truth is reason why demon viewpoint thinking has overthrown divine establishment viewpoint thinking in our nation with the result that there is massive unrighteousness and injustice everywhere, criminals are not being prosecuted and instead the innocent are falsely accused and convicted of alleged criminality Isa 5:20-23; NET note 51
God's judicial case against this injustice is described in Hosea 4:1-6; that was written in 721BC regarding the northern kingdom of Israel because of their rejection of truth resulted in inversion of thought. Since God's Word is immutable these same principles apply to every other nation including the USA.
When we stopped last time we had finished verse 2 where God tells us that violence, rape and murder will engulf the nation that rejects God's Word.
We also noted that believers who hold their ground with doctrine can restrain the advance of evil and preserve the nation for a while. 2Thes 2:3-7; tells us that this restraint of evil not only applies to nations but to the entire world.
God's mandate is for believers to hold their ground and never back down from truth because truth is more important than anything including their physical life. Job 23:12;
From God's perspective it is better for believers to hold their ground and die with the truth than to compromise with the lie and live. Heb 11:32-40;
We also know that because this is the devil's world he and his policy of evil will prevail until Jesus returns and personally removes him from office; first temporarily Rev 20:2-3; and then permanently. Rev 20:10;
It is interesting to note that just as Jesus and His righteous ones are tormented by being pounded by satan's policy of evil day and night while he is ruling the earth; (Dan 7:25;) will in the lake of fire along with his unbelieving minions be tormented by being pounded by God's raging eternal fire of purification. Rev 20:14-15;