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John 3:19-21; "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.
v20 "For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
v21 "But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."
Those operating on the basis of demonic evil hate the light of divine establishment because it opposes their evil policies of prioritizing the demands of criminals and perverts over the rights of the law-abiding citizens.
We are presently in a study of satan's cosmic system that is a system of arrogant demonic thinking that is comprised of the lies and deceit from demonic viewpoint that since the fall in the Garden of Eden, apart from God in the darkness of spiritual death has become the basis of the thinking of the entire human race. 1Cor 2:14; Rev 12:9;
When we stopped last time we were noting authority arrogance. We had noted that In the home, children are blessed by responding to parental authority and they are cursed if they reject parental authority. Exod 20:12;
In the local church, believers are blessed by consistent positive volition toward the doctrine and they are cursed if they have negative volition toward doctrine.
A child or adolescent in the home who rejects parental authority is disciplined for authority arrogance likewise the believer who rejects the authority of good Bible teaching is placed under divine discipline.
When dissatisfied by a pastor for whatever reason, good or bad, do not compound the problem with your own arrogant reaction. Avoid criticism of the pastor, no matter how wrong he may appear to be.
Leave his punishment or discipline in the hands of Jesus Christ who is more than capable of handling his failures without any assistance.
Being critical of a pastor is presumptuous and becomes blasphemous if you take the erroneous stand that God cannot punish a pastor without help.
Authority arrogance will not destroy the pastor or any other legitimate authority that is the object of the arrogant person's hatred, bitterness, vindictiveness, and implacability because Jesus Christ makes war on the hater. James 4:6;
If Jesus Christ wants His client nation to survive, when He is finished drawing out and exposing the arrogant haters, He will destroy them, all we have to do is make sure we don't get in His way by reacting with arrogance before He does.
It is absolutely necessary to avoid becoming arrogant, to avoid being critical when you separate from a company, a business, a local church, or a military organization. Whether you were contented or discontented is not an issue.
It is arrogance that calls attention to self. The organization must continue to run. Being critical is the source of a tremendous amount of misery. Life will destroy the person who makes an issue out of self rather than an issue out of life.
Arrogant people always attack authority, and thereby destroy their own freedom. As freedom is wiped out in a client nation, that opens the door for greater and greater demon influence and demon possession that ultimately results in the destruction of the nation.
This is what is happening in the USA right now where the so-called progressive leftists who hate our country are at war with God. They hate our country and all of the divine establishment principles it was founded on so they are openly trying to destroy it.
They are consumed with opposing truth and espousing every kind of insane demonic viewpoint, attacking every category of divine establishment, Bible doctrine and everyone who stands for or promotes anything that has any basis on God's word of truth. Rom 1:28-32;
This is exposure is good thing because it will give the voters of this country a clear decision to make in the next election where the destiny of this nation will be decided.
When people become stupid, they blame God for everything. In Rom 9:19-21; God is the potter; the potter's wheel is His authority. The "same lump" means we all have the same opportunity (free will), the same chances to be winners.
A "vessel of honor" is the believer in the God's spiritual power system; a "vessel of dishonor" is the believer in satan's cosmic system. Both choose from their own volition where they reside and that determines their destiny.
Regardless of the combination of genes or the varying circumstances in life, as members of God's Royal family we all have the same resources, privileges and opportunities to advance in God's plan and glorify Him.
Attitude toward authority determines our decisions in life. Rejection of authority means poor decisions from a position of weakness; acceptance of authority means good decisions from a position of strength.
Categories of authority arrogance include but are not limited to impulsive arrogance, institutional arrogance, and conspiracy arrogance.
Impulsive arrogance occurs when someone who has been delegated power or authority by God abuses it. This occurred when David used his power as king and commander-in-chief of the Jewish army to murder Uriah the Hittite.
It occurred when Elijah on Mount Carmel used his newly acquired political power to murder the prophets of Baal and it occurred when Peter used his power and authority to encourage legalism in Antioch when he went along with the hypocrisy of racial discrimination against the Gentiles in the church at Antioch, Gal 2:11-13;