We are in a verse by verse study of the book of Romans and got through verses 1 -3 with the expanded translation:
v1 "Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called an apostle, through having been appointed because of the Gospel from God."
v2 Which (This Gospel) He (God) promised in advance through His prophets in the holy Scriptures or writings"
v3 Concerning His (God's) Son who was born from the seed of David according to the flesh.
We are working on Rom 1:4; and last time we noted the last four words in the verse "Iesous Christou o Kurious" translated "the Lord Jesus Christ" or it could also be translated "Jesus Christ the Lord."
Expanded translation Rom 1:4; "Who was marked out or selected by the divine decree the Son of God by means of power, according to the Holy Spirit, by means of resurrection from deaths of Jesus Christ the Lord."
We see in this verse that the word that the word translated "dead" in most translations should be translated "deaths." The same error is commonly used in Gen 2:7; where the Hebrew word translated "life" in most translations should also be translated "lives."
These mistranslations obscure the true nature of human life and enhance the devil's power over humanity by making people think that their life is physical rather than soulish and spiritual. Heb 2:15;
In Rom 1:4: we also see that in the divine decree of eternity past the second person of the Trinity was designated the Son of God because of His ministry in His first advent.
It was Jesus Christ on the cross bearing our sins who was judged by the justice of God. The judgment of sin on the cross freed the justice of God to provide eternal salvation for anyone who would instantly adjust to the justice of God.
That instantaneous adjustment is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ- Acts 16:31;
Faith is non-meritorious and therefore compatible with God's grace policy Eph 2:8-9;
The Father judged the Son of the cross when He was bearing our sins. 2Cor 5:21; 1Pet 2:24;
Consequently, salvation was completed during Jesus' first death when He was bearing our sins. John 19:30;
The resurrection not only demonstrated the efficacy of Christ's work on the cross but was the means of Christ's victory in the angelic conflict. 1John 2:2;
For those who refuse to adjust to God's justice for salvation by believing in Jesus Christ while they are physically alive in time God's justice will adjust to them in eternity and they will be thrown into the eternal the lake of fire. Rev 20:12-15;
Everyone will be adjusted to God's justice the only question is when and how.
Rom 1:5; "through whom" is a prepositional phrase "dia" plus the genitive of the relative pronoun "hos; "we have received" is the aorist active indicative of the verb "lambano" that means to take or receive something into one's possession.
This is a culminative aorist tense that contemplates all adjustments to God's justice in their entirety and regards them from the viewpoint of existing results. The two existing results we noted in verse 1 are: "grace and apostleship."
The active voice: the human communicator is Paul and the Roman believers are the recipients. Together they produce the action of the verb. The indicative mood is declarative expressing unqualified assertion, a simple statement of fact. The word "we" refers to anyone who adjusts to God's justice.
"Grace" is accusative singular direct object of the noun "charis." Grace is a description God's entire plan. Sometimes grace refers to something specific, like logistical grace or saving grace. Here the emphasis will be on salvation that occurs at the point in time when every believer receives a destiny and a spiritual gift from God.