Class Notes: 2/16/2022

The book of Romans part 31

We are in a verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans and got through verses 1-6 with the expanded translation: Rom 1:1-6;

v1 "Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called an apostle, through having been appointed because of the Gospel from God."

v2 Which (This Gospel) He (God) promised in advance through His prophets in the holy Scriptures or writings"

v3 Concerning His (God's) Son who was born from the seed of David according to the flesh.

v 4"Who was marked out or selected by the divine decree the Son of God by means of power, according to the Holy Spirit, by means of resurrection from deaths of Jesus Christ the Lord."

v 5 "Through whom (the resurrected Christ) we have received grace and apostleship, for the purpose of obedience to doctrine among all nations, for the sake of his personal reputation."

v6 "Among whom also you are privileged royalty (kletos) of Jesus Christ."

This brings us to Rom 1:7; "To all" is the dative of indirect object, the plural of "pas". The dative of indirect object indicates those for whom an act is performed. In this case, the action is Jesus Christ bearing all of our sins and God judging Him for them once and for all

"Who are" is the dative plural of advantage from the definite article that is used as a demonstrative pronoun. With it is the present active indicative of the verb "eimi".

This is a historical present tense that describes a past event as though was in the present. The active voice with the indicative mood tells us that the Roman believers are producing the action of the verb.

"In Rome" is translated from "en" plus their location "Rhome." Paul normally uses the word "ekklesia" that would be translated "church" to describe believers but in this case he does not probably because he did not start this church.

The origin of the church at Rome is unknown. Neither Peter nor Paul founded the Roman church. The Roman church at the time this was written was meeting in the home of Prascilla and Aquila per Rom 16:3-5;

At the time this was written all the churches either met in someone's home or in a Jewish synagogue because there were no church buildings like there are today. Church assembly buildings aka "churches" did not start to be built until 300 years later.

Rom 1:7; "Beloved of God" is the dative plural indirect object from "agapo." It is a verbal adjective that means "beloved' or "dearly beloved" that indicates God's motivation. God loves them.

Their being the object of God's love does not make them a good church, a great church, or even a church.

The fact that God loves them doesn't mean a thing in itself because that merely reflects God's integrity and His essence it does not indicate action, security, protection, supply, or blessing.

These all come from God's grace, and as we have noted they are conveyed on the basis of God's justice not God's love. Love is the motivator; grace is the provider on the basis of God's justice in accord with His omniscience.

The function of all of God's blessings to every born again believer is justice. God's love cannot provide blessing apart from His justice without compromising His perfect integrity. God will never compromise His integrity so only God's justice can provide blessing. In this case we have an ablative of means that emphasizes the origin of this love is God's essence that could be translated "dearly loved by God."

"Called" is translated from the verbal adjective of privilege, "kletos". This refers to aristocracy and describes an aristocratic group of people. The word could be translated "privileged." This is election.

"Saints" translated from "hagios." This word is the key. What is a saint? A saint is not only an aristocrat by birth and title. A saint is an aristocrat who is living in accord with his birth and title.

Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness makes the believer a saint experientially. A saint is not only an aristocrat by birth and title a saint is also an aristocrat in their thinking. The concept Paul is describing is not only aristocracy or privilege on the basis of election but also the thinking of aristocracy or privilege that has been developed on the basis of election.

Note that the word "as" in the NASB and the words "to be" in the KJV and other translations are in italics so they are not in the original manuscript. Believers are positionally irrevocably holy they are not just called to be holy.

The use of the word "hagios" translated "saints" brings to the doctrine of sanctification.

Sanctification is a technical theological term for the status quo of the royal family of God in three phases of the protocol plan. The term means to be set apart to God for a special purpose.

Every believer as a member of the church and therefore a member of God's royal family of God, is set apart to God from salvation to the eternal state in three phases.

Phase one, is called positional sanctification referring to salvation at which point the baptism of the Spirit enters every Church Age believer into union with the person of Jesus Christ. Phase one occurs at the moment anyone believes God's good news aka the Gospel for a moment of time.

Sanctification is the process that God uses to extend the great power experiment of the hypostatic union into the Church Age, so that the correct designation for this dispensation is actually "The Church Age, the dispensation of the operational spiritual power system."

God's royal family and the new spiritual species that is created for maximum use of God's omnipotence are created by sanctification.

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