We are in a verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans and got through verses 1-6 with the expanded translation: Rom 1:1-6;
v1 "Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called an apostle, through having been appointed because of the Gospel from God."
v2 Which (This Gospel) He (God) promised in advance through His prophets in the holy Scriptures or writings"
v3 Concerning His (God's) Son who was born from the seed of David according to the flesh.
v 4"Who was marked out or selected by the divine decree the Son of God by means of power, according to the Holy Spirit, by means of resurrection from deaths of Jesus Christ the Lord."
v 5 "Through whom (the resurrected Christ) we have received grace and apostleship, for the purpose of obedience to doctrine among all nations, for the sake of his personal reputation."
v6 "Among whom also you are privileged royalty (kletos) of Jesus Christ."
v7 "to all in Rome beloved of God called saints or holy...
The use of the word "hagios" translated "saints" or "holy" brings us to the doctrine of sanctification.
When we stopped last time we were noting some of the Greek words that are used to describe the concept of holiness or being a saint in God's Word of truth.
We noted that the adjective "hagios" is also one of the titles for God's royal family. Unfortunately it is often misunderstood because it is translated into the English as "saint."
The devil's world has used verbacide to redefine the word saint so that it that has the connotation that falsely infers a self-righteous, strained, painful, difficult, sacrificial life.
Nothing could be farther from the truth because "hagios" actually describes every believer in the Church age and their endowed privilege. Every Church Age believer is a saint; regardless of whither they take advantage of the opportunity.
Every believer is in union with Christ and therefore is set apart as a member of the new spiritual species as a saint.
Hagios used in front of your name indicates membership in God's royal family, since the moment of your salvation, throughout your time on the earth, and for all eternity future, you have been set apart for the greatest privileges, opportunities, and potential that have ever existed during human history.
You have unique assets and privileges that Old Testament believers never had. To name a few, you have the indwelling of the person of Christ, the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit, the assets of election and predestination, and the mandate to deploy God's spiritual power system.
Never in the history of the human race has God given so much to believers.
John 6:69; "We have believed; in fact, we have come to know that You are the Holy One from God (Ho hagios tou theou)." They recognized Jesus Christ's spiritual royalty.
The singular "hagios" in the nominative is applied to our Lord Jesus Christ before it applied to us. So sanctification and all of its implications are predicated on our Lord Jesus Christ who is the preeminent aristocrat of the human race.
Hagios is also used to describe you because you have the same aristocracy in union with Jesus Christ. Although human aristocracies eventually disappear, your aristocracy is the most secure that could ever exist, because it is an eternal aristocracy.
God has appointed you as a saint. Your Magna Carta is God's Word of truth and the Holy Spirit.
Aristocracy also means only one class. All believers are in union with the Lord Jesus Christ. This union excludes any differentiations of race, gender, or any other facet of natural human status.
The noun "hagiosmos" is translated sanctification or sanctifying. It is also translated holiness or consecration. It refers to the investiture of aristocracy. It refers to the state of being made an aristocrat forever. It also refers to our Lord's battlefield royalty with emphasis on His integrity. It especially emphasizes our relationship to the integrity of God.
A noun that is rarely used is "hagiotes" that means sanctification. It is often translated holiness. This describes the principle whereby all believers are related to the integrity and the aristocracy of God.
Another noun, "hagiosune' is used only by the apostle Paul, who apparently coined it. It means holiness, set apart, or sanctification. It emphasizes the categorical stages of our aristocracy in all three phases.
This word connects our spiritual aristocracy to our function in compliance with the Royal Family Honor Code that is God's policy for His royal family.
Since this concept applies exclusively to Church Age believers it is only found in the Greek. It has no Hebrew equivalents, since everything related to the Church, as part of the mystery doctrine that was not revealed to Old Testament writers.
We wail now take a closer look at the 3 phases of sanctification that God's Word reveals. Phase one is called positional sanctification or justification occurs at the point of salvation through faith in Christ.
Every time a person believes in Jesus Christ God the Holy Spirit enters them into union with the person of Christ through the baptism of the spirit. This provides every believer with equal privilege and opportunity to execute God's protocol plan.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit establishes positional sanctification. Positional sanctification is the basis of eternal security because you can never be removed from your union with Christ.
Rom 8:1; "There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus."
Rom 8:38-39; "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Positional sanctification qualifies the believer to live with God forever for at least two reasons.
First, the believer possesses God's righteousness on the basis of imputation, and we share the perfect righteousness of Christ through our positional sanctification. If we are going to live with God forever, we have to have His righteousness. By having His perfect righteousness we do.
Second, the believer possesses eternal life. 1John 5:11-12; "And this is the deposition: that God has given to each one of us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son (positional sanctification) has the (eternal) life; He who does not have the Son of God does not have the (eternal) life."