In our verse by verse study of Romans we just completed Rom 1:10 with the expanded translation: "Always in my prayers when offering a petition, that if somehow now at last I will succeed by the will of God in coming face to face with you all."
This verse brought us to a couple of side trips so we did a brief study of the categorical doctrine of prayer, we looked at the doctrine of God's will and today continuing our study of Paul's reversionism where he rejected God's directive will and operated in God's permissive will to pursue his own agenda that God ultimately stopped with his overruling will.
We saw how Jesus Christ controls history with His overruling will by using the laws of divine establishment as expressed in Roman law to overrule the Jewish court and prevent the mob from murdering Paul.
Paul spent the next two years 61-62 AD under house arrest while his case was meandering through the Roman court system before he appealed it to Caesar. During this time we see how God's unfailing love turned the curse into a blessing and divine discipline into suffering for blessing because whiles this was happening he wrote Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon.
Phil 3:12-19; tells us that he continued his spiritual advance, while Phil 3:4-8; describes his perspective as a spiritually adult believer having recovered from reversionism.
He is through with human celebrity, and the false perspective of Judaism, and now has a new set of priorities that are related to his identity as a member of the new spiritual species instead of his identity as a member of the new racial species.
Rom 1:11; "For" is translated from the Greek conjunctive particle "gar" that could be translated "because" that leads into an expression of the reason or cause for Paul's desire to come to Rome.
"I long" is the present active indicative from the verb "epipotho" that means to desire, to have a yearning or an extremely strong desire. It refers to a desire that creates an emotional response.
The present tense is a descriptive present, indicating what is going on in Paul's thinking while he is writing. The active voice: Paul produces the action of the verb under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.
The indicative mood is declarative for historical reality. With this is an aorist active infinitive of the verb "eidon", translated "to see." It is a constantive aorist, that gathers Paul's enthusiasm into a single expression.
The active voice: Paul produces the enthusiasm because he has great capacity for life. This is also includes a purpose: Paul hasn't seen Rome but; he wants to. Then we have the accusative plural direct object from the personal pronoun "hymas" translated you, referring to the Romans.
"that" is the conjunction "hina" that connects the purpose clause; the aorist active subjunctive of the verb "metadidomi" that means to give or share with.
It doesn't mean to share his personal experiences it means to communicate Bible doctrine. This is not a "sharing" that relates to emotion or an emotional experience.
The aorist tense is a constantive aorist that views Paul's consistent teaching of doctrine in its entirety but emphasizes it as being taught to the Roman believers. The active voice: Paul produces the action of the verb.
The subjunctive mood is both potential and indicates a purpose clause. There is a future reference here that is contingent. He knows that it is God's directive will for him to come but he does not know when or how.
There is also a verbal noun, "Charisma," the word for spiritual gifts. It means something that is freely and graciously given, and in this case it is a reference to the gift of communication, the gift of teaching, that Paul possessed as an apostle.
The Holy Spirit at the point of his salvation on the Damascus road graciously gave it to Paul but it is absolutely no value without training and preparation. God always provides enough communicators for believers with positive volition the problem today is the demand is not there and tithe role of pastor has been redefined so many of with the gift are not focused on studying and teaching Bible doctrine.
We need prepared pastors who have had the training and the academic discipline so that the gift can be properly deployed. No one in the Church Age has ever exploited the teaching gift as much as the apostle Paul. His exploitation included his constant intake of doctrine, his refusal to be distracted from doctrine that resulted in the perpetuation of grace orientation in his life.
Paul says, "That I may impart you some spiritual gift." But that isn't exactly what he said. He is not imparting a spiritual gift to them because only the Holy Spirit can do that, he is sharing his spiritual gift with them and that means He is going to teach them doctrine.
Along with "charisma" is the accusative neuter singular from the adjective "pneumatikos" that means "pertaining to the spirit." This is where we get the word "spiritual."
The verb "metadidomi' means to share. Paul will share something important by means of his spiritual gift.
The plural indirect object from "hymeis" translated "you," means the Romans are going to be the object of all of this. What Paul wants to share with them is the accurate concept of adjusting to God's justice as a mature believer.
"so you may be established" - the preposition "eis" plus the accusative of the definite article with an aorist passive infinitive. The verb in the infinitive is "sterizo". The aorist passive infinitive means to receive strength or stability.
"Sterizo" was used by Homer, so it is a very old verb going back to the ninth century BC. Homer used it to describe making something secure or stable or something that would hold fast as in a ship's mast. After Homer's time it came to mean to support or to fix something so that it would stand upright in position and be immovable.
The passive voice: means to become established or stabilized. The aorist tense views the daily repetitive function of developing spiritual strength from learning God's Word of truth consistently emphasizing the results that occur from understanding the power that comes from maturity adjustment to God's justice. Learning doctrine secures and stabilizes believers.