Class Notes: 5/22/2022

The book of Romans part 50 Romans 1:15

In our verse by verse study of Romans 1 when we stopped last time were working on Rom 1:14; where Paul was describing the people he wanted to evangelize.

The Greek word translated wise is "sophos" that is the word that God's Word uses to describe the mature believer who consistently deploys doctrinal truth under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

In this case it describes those who Paul is teaching who have been positive so they have received spiritual advantage. It is to the advantage of every believer to advance to spiritual maturity and is advantageous for them to keep on applying doctrine. Prov 29:18;

Next he uses the dative plural indirect object of the Greek word "anoetois" that that is translated "foolish" in the NASB referring to ignorant or reversionistic believers.

"Asnotois" denotes disadvantage because it refers to maladjustment to God's justice for the reversionist and lack of spiritual knowledge for the ignorant.

"Anoetis" refers to the foolish or unintelligent. It is used of a person who both intellectually and ethically does not understand doctrine or God's plan.

Rom 1:14; expanded translation: "I am under obligation both to the civilized and the uncivilized (unbelievers); both to the wise (mature believer) and the ignorant reversionistic believer."

Both categories of believers need to be taught Bible doctrine. The wise or mature believer needs doctrine to continue the advance in maturity. The ignorant or reversionistic believer needs doctrine to recover from reversionism or ignorance.

The spiritual gifts of communication, evangelism and pastor-teacher, have an obligation to communicate to the human race.

The gift of evangelism is obligated to all categories of unbelievers in the human race. The gift of pastor-teacher is obligated to both the positive and the negative believers in God's royal family.

It is often the teaching of the negative believer that brings about his discipline. That way he knows exactly what is happening and why it is happening when discipline comes.

Paul's obligation includes both the proper preparation and the spiritual momentum that comes from maturity adjustment to God's justice.

Maximum deployment of spiritual gifts demands all three categories of adjustment to God's justice: salvation adjustment, rebound adjustment when necessary; and maturity adjustment.

Rom 1:15; The first phrase is translated in the NASB " So for my part am eager" In the Greek we have "eime houtos kata ego prothymos"

The adverb "houtos" refers back to what he had just written and is translated "Thus" but in this case could be translated "so" because it is refers back to the previous verses. Then follows "kata plus ego"" that literally means with reference to me or "as for me"

Altogether this is and idiom that says, "So, as for me." This is as close as we can come with an English idiom. It is the translation of a Greek idiom into an English idiom.

Literally, in the Greek idiom it says, "Thus, the thing with reference to me" doesn't tell us anything because it is an idiom. Paul is speaking for himself, expressing his mental attitude and his sense of responsibility to teach them doctrine.

The principle is that if you put doctrine first and advance to spiritual maturity you will develop a sense of honor and integrity that will motivate you to properly fulfill you obligations to others.

Next comes "I am eager to preach the gospel" - the accusative singular from the adjective prothymmon, meaning to be eager, to be willing, to be ready. With the idiom it can be translated "my eagerness."

Then comes an aorist middle infinitive, euangelizo that means "good news." Good news means that God's justice must be free to bless, and all blessing comes through God's justice.

All true blessing comes from God so unless God's justice is satisfied there is no way to be blessed. Jesus Christ has satisfied the God's justice so that is where blessing begins and where everything in life has meaning and purpose.

The verb does not only refer to gospel preaching it also refers to the communication of the entire scope of the good news related to mankind's relationship with God. Obviously the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone is a part of it, but that isn't all of it.

There are other adjustments that have to be made for you to have the most fantastic happiness and blessing in time, and something even greater in eternity. To proclaim the happy and the good that is what this verb connotes. It means to disseminate doctrine.

Some of the good news deals with evangelism and some of it deals with spiritual growth, and to make a proclamation regarding all of the systems of adjustment to God's justice. "So my eagerness to proclaim the good news doctrine."

The infinitive is important. The aorist tense is a constantive aorist in the infinitive; it takes the occurrence of doctrinal teaching from Paul and others and gathers it all up into a single entirety.

It tells us that doctrinal teaching changes history when God's royal family accepts doctrine with consistent positive volition. The middle voice is the indirect middle voice, emphasizing Paul as the agent producing the action rather than participating in the result.

Paul is teaching the doctrine. The infinitive references the intended result when the result is indicated as fulfilling a deliberate objective therefore purpose and result are combined.

This is followed by "kai", translated "also," plus the dative plural indirect object of the personal pronoun "hymeis" translated, " to you." The dative of indirect object indicates that it is in the interest of the Roman believers to have Paul's ministry, both written as in the epistle to the Romans, and at a future time a spoken ministry.

Paul's teaching of doctrine to the Roman believers redounds to their advantage. The dative plural of the definite article is used as a relative pronoun, emphasizing the specific identity of the Roman believers. It is not generally translated into English but it is understood, and the verse is concluded with a prepositional phrase "en" plus the locative of "Rome."

Translation: "So, I am eager to proclaim the good doctrine, also to you. those who are in Rome."

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