Class Notes: 7/14/2022

The book of Romans part 62, Rom 1:23;

In our verse-by-verse study of Romans we are in Rom 1:22 with the phrase "they became fools." This follows their assertion that they were wise.

We noted that their affirmation of nonexistent wisdom was from their status in the last three stages of reversionism that is the result of blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul, and reverse process reversionism in liberal heathenism.

By rejecting God when they knew God they created false norms and standards for wisdom, then uses these false norms and standards to allege and conclude that they are wise.

This explains the complete blindness of the sincere liberal, the do-gooder, the person who is a walking guilt complex trying to distort legislation in an attempt to use political power to solve man's problems

Man's problems can only be solved by God's solution of Bible doctrine and adjustment to the God's justice in its three categories: salvation, rebound, and maturity. Negative volition at gospel hearing triggered this unbeliever reversionism.

"they became fools" from the aorist passive indicative from the verb "moraino." It means to become a fool or a moron, to become insipid, to become saltless, to become tasteless. The Greek uses it to describe unsavory people and food.

The aorist tense is ingressive so it gathers the foolishness of heathenism into one entirety. It shows a state and a condition and denotes entrance into that status. Emphasis is placed on the entrance to the status of foolishness or the last three categories of unbeliever reversionism.

The passive voice describes the heathen reversionists receiving the action of the verb so they became salt less insipid fools. The indicative mood is declarative for a dogmatic statement of Bible doctrine related to history.

Rom 1:22; Expanded Translation: "Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."

To become the kind of fool that is described in verse 22 they have to be arrogant and prideful of their reversionism. We see a lot of arrogant pride about perversion and criminality in our country today.

In verse 23 we will see that the prideful arrogance of reversionism creates a self-righteousness arrogance that is creative in the sphere of demonic evil to the point of actually coming into contact with demons. This means that heathen liberals find and establish their own demon gods.

Arrogance sets itself above the essence of God and distorts the perfect attributes of God into ridiculous images or concepts.

The lack of common sense that accompanies this maladjustment to God's justice causes the arrogant person to declare that the image or concept that they have constructed are the highest priority.

This false doctrine that people manufacture from the evil in their soul becomes the idols that make contact with demons. Manufacturing one's own god is the epitome of arrogance, the quintessence of human folly, and complete and total blasphemy.

Rom 1:23; explains the pattern of heathen liberalism that results from unbeliever reversionism. "And exchanged" the connective use of the conjunction "kai" plus the aorist active indicative of "allasso" that means to exchange, to transform, to alter or to change.

The aorist tense is culminative so it views the idol worship of reversionistic heathen liberalism in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results. It starts with "professing yourself to be wise," from arrogant thinking.

This "exchange" is the trading common sense from God's Word of truth for the worst kind of evil lies. The culminative aorist takes their evil creative expression and gathers it up into one entirety that is comprised of creating an idol and calling it a god.

Arrogance makes its own god. The word "allasso" views this activity from the standpoint of its existing results, the type of reversionism in which they find themselves: total maladjustment to God's justice leading to total blackout of the soul.

The active voice refers to the unbeliever who produces the action by saying no to God at God-consciousness and no to God at gospel hearing. The indicative mood is declarative for the historical pattern of heathen liberalism that comes from unbeliever reversionism.

"the glory of the incorruptible God" is from the accusative singular direct object from "doca," translated "glory", that refers to the sum total of God's attributes, the possessive genitive from the adjective "aphthartos," that means imperishable, incorruptible, immortal; plus the descriptive genitive of "Theos," "God."

Arrogance from reversionism always attempts to corrupt the incorruptible, and the creative work of evil is to destroy the incorruptible in the thinking of others.

You cannot destroy the incorruptible God but you can slander, propagandize and lie to others about Him in order to create a public lie about Him. This is what satan did to God when he propagandized the angels. One third of them bought it.

This is also what the satanic liberals are doing to our former president because they hate the truth he represents.

Arrogance always finds a human being setting himself up above the very power and greatness of infinite God.

So the arrogance of reversionism seeks to corrupt the incorruptible by exchanging the perfect attributes of God for idols of people or animals or concepts or ideas associated with what people admire that is related to some form of power or ability.

The truth is that creature power, no matter how it tries, can never supersede creator power.

"into an image" is from "en" plus the locative of "eikon" that means a copy, a form, an appearance, an image.

The locative "homoioma" with "en" means into or in, but with the verb "allasso," translated "exchange," it means for. So we translate "for an image." They "exchanged the glory of incorruptible God for..."

This is the reversionist liberal heathen exchanging perfect truth for corrupt lies because they have chosen to reject the truth.

"made like" in the original there is no verb. There is an appositional genitive singular from "homoima" that means not only an "image of" but also a form of, a concept or appearance of. So we translate it, "in the form of."

"corruptible man" a descriptive genitive of the adjective "phtartos" that means corruptible, mortal, or perishable.

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