Class Notes: 2/16/2023

The book of Romans part 114; Rom 2:16

In our verse by verse study of Romans we finished Rom 2:15; with the expanded translation "The very ones who demonstrate the accomplishment of the law written in their hearts, their conscience confirming the testimony, in fact their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending themselves;"

This brought us to the doctrine of the conscience where last time we noted that when one of your norms and standards is contradicted by an essential doctrine you have to make a volitional choice regarding what you will choose to believe.

You have to allow for the privacy of non-essential individual standards so you don't correct other people who are not under your authority; you tolerate them. You don't try to get others to agree to your non-essential standards. If you don't agree with and believe something it will not be permitted to enter your human spirit so it will not get it in your soul.

Once you accept and believe a doctrine, it goes to the human spirit as building material for the edification complex of your soul, then to your frame of reference, where it becomes a reality, then to the memory center, categorical center, launching pad and finally to your conscience where new norms and standards are established.

We see here that there is a relationship between the conscience and the perception of doctrine and between the intake of doctrine and spiritual advance.

Every application you make in life is made from your own conscience. The source of all application of doctrine is your conscience because you live your life on the basis of your own norms and standards not someone else's norms and standards.

The conscience is the basis or the free volitional choices that are made therefore it is the source of the testimony in the angelic appeal.

This brings us back our verse-by-verse study of Romans in verse 16 of chapter 2.

Rom 2:16; "In the day" is "en" plus the locative of "hemera," "day." Sometimes the word "day" refers to 24 hours, sometimes to a thousand years as in the day of the Lord), sometimes it refers to an instant of time as in the day of Christ, the exit resurrection.

Here the word "day" refers to a judgment. The period of time that is required to complete the judgment is unknown, but this is a point of time, known as the great white throne judgment, or the last judgment.

At this last judgment there will be millions and millions of people who are maladjusted to God's justice because they rejected God's integrity love when they rejected the Gospel.

The Gospel reveals God's integrity love to the spiritually dead sin infused human race. The Gospel becomes the issue in the use of free volition regarding a decision to believe the Gospel or not.

"when God shall judge" from the present active indicative of "krino." The present tense is a futuristic present, that refers to an event that has not yet occurred but because it is so certain to occur it is put in the present tense instead of the future tense. It means that this judgment will come at a time when God's integrity will judge everyone who has rejected Jesus Christ as savior.

"the secrets of men" We see here that sins are not mentioned. Sins are already judged at the cross. Human good is judged here. The accusative neuter plural direct object from "kruptos," an adjective that is used as a substantive that means, "hidden things."

You see the results of hidden things but you do not see the actual hidden things that are in the norms and standards of the conscience. In other words, not only does Rev 20:12-15; say that the good deeds of the unbeliever will be the basis of their indictment but this passage says so will their norms and standards be indicted, their "secrets."

We all have norms and standards and they may not be revealed, but their results are revealed in what we say and do. The possessive genitive of "anthropos" for "men;" "in the day God will judge the secrets of those people."

This is a reference not only to the book of works but to the norms and standards of human good, the norms and standards of self-righteousness or whatever the reason was that they did the human good works that they did.

"through Christ Jesus" from "dia" plus "Christos Iesuos" who is the judge; "according to my gospel" "ego kata" plus the accusative of "euaggelion" (eu = good; aggelos = communication or news) means good communication or good news.

This has become a technical word that refers to the message about Jesus Christ and His work of salvation "according to the norm or standard of my gospel."

Rom 2:16; Expanded Translation: "In the day God will judge the secrets of those men through Jesus Christ according to the standard of my Gospel."

Paul's description of the Gospel as 'my Gospel" includes the information provided in 1Cor 15:3-4; This combined with the information provided in John 3:16; provides a complete explanation of who Jesus is, what He did and how He did it.

Paul who was the major communicator of the Mystery doctrine for the Church Age not only explains the who, the what, the when and the where, but in addition the why and the how. The Mystery is the why and the how.

Rom 2:17; Verses 17-29 describe the judgment of God's perfect integrity toward the Jew who has the law. Verses 17-20 are the protasis of a conditional sentence. Then verses 21-23 are the apodosis.

In a conditional sentence there are two clauses the first is called protasis, the second apodosis. The first clause contains the supposition. The protasis of a first class condition is a supposition from the viewpoint of reality such as if and it is true, or if and we assume it is true.

The second-class condition is supposition from the viewpoint unreality. The third class condition is supposition from the standpoint of possibility. The fourth class condition is supposition from the standpoint of probability.

In this passage the protasis or the assumption is contained in verses 17-20 and the clause containing the statement based on the claims of the protasis or the conclusion to the protasis that is called apodosis is in verses 21-23.

It starts with a description of the false assumptions of legalism. There are four false assumptions in the protasis of verses 17-20. It begins with three Greek words, "Ei de su." The first word is the conditional particle ei, "if," used with any tense of the indicative mood introducing the protasis of a conditional clause.

The second word in the Greek sentence is "de" it is called a postpositive, enclitic. This is the postpositive conjunctive particle that is used as an adversative conjunction to set up a contrast between the self-righteous Gentile described in verses 1-16, and the self-righteous Jew described inverses 17-29.

Paul has already demonstrated that the self-righteous Gentile has an equivalent righteousness to the self-righteous Jew. So "de" is the dividing line between the two. In the English there are no postpositive enclitic particles, so it always start out "but if" rather than the Greek form "If but."

The third word is "su," a second person singular personal pronoun. It is a reference to the self-righteous Jew. Because we are going to have a very strong contrast, instead of "but if" we can keep the word order by saying "If on the other hand you" or "But if on the other hand." "you bear the name" "you" is translated from "su."

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