In our verse-by-verse study of Romans we are in Rom 2:27; our expanded translation to this point is "in fact the physically uncircumcised Gentile if he accomplishes the purpose of the law..."
We noted that the word translated "keep" in the NASB is the Greek word "teleo" that means to fulfill, to accomplish an objective, or a mission so it should be translated "fulfill" as it is in the KJV.
The mission of the law is to bring us to Christ. Gal 3:24;
And once a person believes in Jesus for salvation the law has done its job. Rom 10:4; Gal 3:25-26; because we are Sons of God who are indwelled and filled (clothed) with the spirit in Christ Gal 3:26-27;
Rom 2:27; The next words are "judge you" from the future active indicative of the verb "krino," means to judge. The future tense is a gnomic future for a statement of fact or activity that can be expected under normal conditions.
The active voice, the Gentiles who have believed in Jesus Christ and who after salvation have used the rebound technique to keep on being filled with the Spirit for their spiritual advance, and who have advanced to spiritual maturity have fulfilled the law so they are in a position to judge the Jews who have misused the law and rejected Jesus.
The physically uncircumcised Gentiles have done this without benefit of the ritual and the privilege of the spiritual heritage that the Jews had with the Mosaic Law.
The privileges they had did not benefit the unbelieving Jews with the result that they will be judged. Jesus describes a similar situation in. Matt 12:41;
Rom 2:27; Nex5 is the accusative singular direct object "su" that means 'you" that is the direct object referring to the Jew who has rejected Jesus Christ as Savior and who are depending upon the ritual of circumcision and keeping the Mosaic Law for salvation who is judging the Gentile believer for not being circumcised.
God has rejected both ritual circumcision and law keeping as a means of salvation or maturity adjustment to His justice.
"who" is the accusative singular definite article "se" that is used as a relative pronoun refers to the Jew who is maladjusted to God's justice.
Next we have a preposition "dia" translated "through" plus the genitive singular of "gramma," translated "letter" as in a letter in the alphabet.
The Mosaic law is a lot of Hebrew letters put together to have meaning, but to the person who rejects Jesus Christ as savior in this case the Jew who has the law, to him the law is nothing more than a bunch of letters in the alphabet put together in words he really doesn't properly understand because he is not filled with the spirit.
In other words, you can never understand God until you make that first adjustment to His justice by believing in Jesus, and you have God's righteousness imputed to you along with the mentorship of God the Hoy Spirit.
Next is the genitive singular of "peritome" translated "circumcision" completing the prepositional phrase "through letter and circumcision."
"transgressor of law" the adverbial accusative of "parabates" that means to violate or transgress followed by "nomos" translated "of law." The words "are a" and "of the" in the NASB are added for better English readability.
Expanded Translation Rom 2:27; "In fact, if he accomplishes the purpose of the law, will not the physically uncircumcised Gentile judge you Jews, who through the letter and circumcision transgressor of law"
The principle we have here tells us that the legalistic Jew who judges the Gentile for not following their rigid compliance with the letter of the law will actually themselves be judged and put to shame by the grace-oriented uncircumcised Gentile believer because without the law tithe Gentile believer has actually fulfilled the law by adjusting to God's justice for salvation by believing in Jesus Christ and staying filled with the spirit for the advance to spiritual maturity.
God's objective for the Mosaic Law is completely fulfilled by believing in Jesus for salvation, the conveyance of God's righteousness and the indwelling and filling of the spirit followed up by acknowledging any know sin and walking by means of the spirit after salvation for spirituality against such things there is no law. Gal 5:22-23; 1John 5:18a;
Rom 2:28;"For he is not a Jew." The word "for" is the postpositive conjunctive particle "gar", and since it is postpositive it is the second word. The first word in the sentence is "ou," that is the negative, and we translate this "Consequently, not,"
"Gar" is used in an inferential sense for a self-evident conclusion so a better translation is "consequently." Also in the next phrase of the verse, the present active indicative of "emir," the verb "to be" that is a descriptive present tense that along with the negative tells us what is not happening.
The categories described here are the Jew by race and the Jew by nationality, but not the Jew in the true sense of the word. The active voice: the racial Jew produces the action of the verb by not being a true Jew. The indicative mood is declarative, and plus the negative it represents a negative reality.
"who is one outwardly" we have the nominative masculine singular definite article used for a relative pronoun. Then the preposition "en" plus the instrumental of "phaneros," that is an adjective meaning visible, clear, evident, or overt manifestation.
The prepositional phrase is an adverb that is translated "outwardly." Many of the Jews of Paul's time and today assume that they have a relationship with God on the basis of their physical heritage from Abraham and the privileges and advantages of having the Mosaic Law.
The false Jew keeps the law for salvation and observes the ritual of circumcision for salvation. The issue with the false Jew is the overt manifestation of law keeping.
Some English words have to be added here to make a good English sentence so we have "consequently, he is not a Jew by overt manifestation." Overt manifestation includes the ritual of circumcision and the keeping the Mosaic Law.
"nor" from the negative conjunction "oude" that joins two negative clauses; "is circumcision" so it is translated "that category that is by overt manifestation" plus "en sarx, "in flesh" so we have " overtly manifested in the flesh"
Expanded Translation Rom 2:28; "Consequently, he is not a Jew who is one by overt manifestation; neither is circumcision the category that is manifested overtly in the flesh."
This tells us that keeping the law in terms of legalism for adjustment to God's justice that is the practice of Judaism is not the true reason or purpose for the Jewish race.
The true reason for the Jewish race is to demonstrate salvation by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
By placing a distorted emphasis on circumcision as a ritual, and law keeping for salvation, the racial Jew lost the true meaning and purpose for Israel as the custodians of doctrine, as a priest nation designed to make the adjustments to God's justice in time.
Therefore a "false Jew" emerges historically. He physically has the genes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but spiritually he does not follow the spiritual adjustment to God's justice that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob made. Gen 15:6;
The false Jew is both racially and nationally a Jew, but spiritually he is maladjusted to God's justice through the externals and superficialities of Judaism.
Ritual does not save. Ritual does not provide salvation adjustment to God's justice. Ritual portrays some aspect of God's integrity but no one has ever been saved by any ritual.
Abraham's circumcision was a ritual but Abraham's reality was the doctrine resident in his soul. The issue is doctrine in the soul, not the ritual of circumcision; the issue is doctrine in the soul, not the ritual of baptism.
In the true spiritual connotation no one can be a true Jew without the doctrinal reality of adjustment to God's justice.
The false Jew had no relationship with God's integrity and the great evidence of this is what happened on Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem.
Palm Sunday occurred exactly one week before the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the first Palm Sunday was the greatest tragedy in history because it led to the downfall of the Jewish priest nation.
The Jews on that Palm Sunday took the attitude that the whole purpose of everything was to get political reform. They wanted political reform and they knew that Jesus could make it happen.
Jesus could provide the reform that was necessary to break the yoke of Rome that they hated but Rome was actually protecting them.
Rome's protection made it possible for them to misuse their authority for tyranny. In the name of political reform the politicians, who were the members of the Sanhedrin, and the people of the land were now turning to Jesus because they wanted Him to reform the nation politically.
But what they failed to realize was that political reform without God's integrity is useless and meaningless and it actually accelerates disaster. That was the great issue in the first Palm Sunday.
God's solution is the only solution so when God's perfect integrity is rejected there is no capacity for permanent political reform.
We have this same problem in the USA at this time. Most of our national leaders have rejected God's word just like the Sanhedrin did and we are on our way to disaster just like they were under the principle of as goes the believer so goes the client nation.