Class Notes: 4/23/2023

The book of Romans part 131; Rom 3:2; Doctrine of the importance of doctrine

In our verse by verse study of Romans we just completed Rom 3:2; with the expanded translation "Much in every way: for in the first place since they (Israel) were entrusted with the doctrines from God."

This is Paul's response to the question in Rom 3:1; where the privileges of the Jew and circumcision are questioned. We noted that the Jews are advantaged by their gene pool, their doctrine and their priest nation status.

This brought us to a study of the doctrine of the importance of doctrine. Last time we noted that God only deals with us in truth. Truth is the basis of God's faithfulness because God always levels with us with what is reality.

You can malign the truth (Bible doctrine), but you can't destroy it because truth remains truth 2Cor 13:8; Bible doctrine is maligned by the distortion of arrogant false teaching and Bible doctrine is maligned by the arrogance of ignorance.

Bible doctrine is the content of the God's Word that is communicated by teaching and instruction.

It is comprised of the communication of Biblical subjects based on the exegetical analysis from the original languages, including the context, analysis, and the classification of God's Word.

While grace is God's genius plan to bless us and integrity is God's character doctrine is how God's genius is revealed and explained.

Bible doctrine is the written permanent expression of God's integrity to the human race. It is the verbalization of divine integrity. Doctrine is rooted in the study of God's attributes.

Psa 33:4; "For the Word of the Lord is integrity, and all His provision is in faithfulness."

Bible doctrine reveals God's thinking in terms of His relationship to the human race. Nothing is more important than knowing what God thinks, understanding how God operates, and understanding that the basis for all of these things is His perfect integrity.

The scripture is written in Hebrew and Greek so we need to look at the nomenclature that God's word uses to refer to the categories of Bible Doctrine.

First the Hebrew words "Emeth" means truth. It is used in Prov 22:21; Psa 31:5; Psa 25:5; Psa 26:3; Psa 86:11; and Psa 119:142.

"Chakmah" translated "wisdom" refers to doctrine that is resident in the in the right lobe of the soul. Prov 2:10; Prov 1:2;

"Shemuah" translated "message" refers to doctrine that is what is heard or communicated, Isa 28:9.

"Leqach" translated "teaching" refers to the authority of doctrine and the self-discipline that is required to learn doctrine, Deut 32:2; Prov 4:2; Job 11:4; Isa 29:24.

"Musar" translated "instruction" means doctrine that is learned from discipline or instruction, Prov 1:2; Prov 4:13; Prov 23:23; It refers to learning Bible doctrine as the principle by which you live your life.

Some Greek words include: "ginosko" translated "know" that means to learn, to know; "gnosis" means objective understanding in the left lobe of the soul. John 5:42;

"Epignosis" translated "knowledge" refers to spirit taught doctrine that is in the right lobe of the soul. 2Tim 3:7; 1Tim 2:4;

"Prognosis" or "Prognosko" translated "foreknowledge" means doctrine in the mind of God; doctrine that existed in eternity past, the "foreknowledge" of 1Pet 1:2 that refers to God's omniscience.

"Logos" translated "word" means speech, word, thinking, or doctrine, John 1:1; Heb 6:1; 1Cor 1:18; Matt 24:35; 2Tim 2:15;

"Didache" means doctrine that is taught, Matt 7:28; Matt 22:33; Mark 1:22, 27; Mark 4:2; 2Tim 4:2; Heb 6:2; Rev 2:14; Rom 6:17, 16:17.

"Gnostos" translated "known" means capable of being known. It refers to doctrine that has the potential to be the basis of rational thought; Rom 1:19.

"Didaskalia" translated "teaching" means the teaching of doctrine or what is taught, Matt 15:9; Eph 4:14; Col 2:22; Titus 1:9; Titus 2:1,7,10; 2Tim 4:3.

"Suneisis or "suneidesis" translated "conscience" means doctrine resident in the conscience that become the norms and standards for decision making. 1Pet 3:16;

"Gnostes" translated "expert" refers to an expert in doctrine, Acts 26:3.We see from this that Bible Doctrine was the legacy of the believer in priest nation Israel.

Worship is learning Bible doctrine. God's reputation with you is based on your understanding of God's Word of truth aka doctrine/

Psa 138:2, "I myself will worship toward the temple of Your Holiness [heaven], and I will be motivated to praise Your person because of Your grace and Your doctrine, because You have magnified Your doctrinal teaching over Your reputation."

Doctrinal teaching is to be the believer's highest priority in life. We must be motivated by Bible doctrine to praise God. Once you understand God's integrity you have enough doctrine to praise Him.

Doctrinal teaching is the only way anyone can understand God's integrity. This is why God magnifies doctrinal teaching is magnified above everything else.

God is glorified when he can give us our escrow blessings. He cannot convey them until we have maximum Bible doctrine in the soul that develops the capacity to appreciate the source of those blessings.

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