Class Notes: 6/11/2023

The book of Romans part 140; Rom 3:7-8;

In our verse-by-verse study of Romans last time we noted the first two words of Rom 3:7;

"But if," the postpositive conjunctive particle "de" translated "but" that is used to connect one clause with another to continue to use the debater's technique, showing how ludicrous man's thinking is on this topic.

Then the conditional particle "ei" that introduces a first class condition of "if'," "if and we assume it is true." It introduces the protasis of a first class condition that is an assumption from the viewpoint of reality.

Here the first class condition is used as debater's technique. Paul uses this premise to refute the premise. Paul assumes something to be true so he can refute it. Here he states a premise of legalism.

The straw man is set up and then knocked down. Under this first class condition Paul assumes that telling a lie advances doctrine or the truth of God.

He assumes the role of a liar to state a rationalization to those who are maladjusted to God's justice and poses the case that the man, who is a liar, should not be condemned by God if his lies advance God's justice.

"the truth of the God" the word for truth is the nominative singular subject "aletheia." It is used for truth or doctrine. Here it is used for doctrine. Then the possessive genitive singular from "Theos" with the definite article "o" indicating that the doctrine belongs to Jesus Christ who is "the God."

Doctrine is the manifestation or revelation of God's integrity. The word "aletheia" translated "truth" describes God's integrity in terms of truthfulness, dependability, and reliability as opposed to the appearance of things on the surface.

"abounded" the aorist active indicative of the verb "perisseuo," a transitive verb that means to cause to abound, it also means to make extremely rich.

As an intransitive verb it means to show itself extremely great, to abound, to be prominent. Here it means to become more prominent or to become even greater.

The aorist tense is a constantive aorist, that gathers up into one entirety every time Paul has sought to advance God's glory using a lie.

Now Paul doesn't really want to personally do that but he has transferred the objection to himself so he can refute it by using debater's technique to assume the position for the sake of argument that he lies to advance God's glory.

The active voice: Paul assumes this heresy in order to refute it and therefore the doctrine produces the action. The indicative mood is a potential indicative used to develop the idea of contingency in the debate.

"through my lie" "en" translated "through" plus the possessive adjective "emos." The instrumental of means is translated "by means of" "or "through" and the first person of the adjective "emos" is translated "my."

Plus the instrumental singular of "pseusma" that means lie, falsehood, undependability, or untruth. The prepositional phrase can be translated, "But if the doctrine of the God has shown itself to be extremely great by means of my false presentation" or "by my lie."

"unto His glory" "eis" plus "doxa" and "autos" the intensive pronoun translated "His", "for the purpose of His glory."

This is all debaters' technique. Paul doesn't believe it; he is simply stating it for the sake of argument. The protasis is a straw man. The apodosis demonstrates the fallacy of the protasis with a question.

"Why still" the interrogative pronoun "tis" that introduces the apodosis with the adverb "eti" that means still or yet. This means that even though the whole situation has been developed, that Christ has been judged for sins, Paul is not excluded from the penalty of spiritual death.

This is the adverb of logical inference that switches from temporal use to inference use. Here is the logical inference used in an interrogative sentence to demonstrate a lie. We also have the first personal pronoun "ego" translated "I" so the phrase is translated "why am I also."

"Judged" is the present passive indicative of "krino." The present tense is a descriptive present that describes what is presently happening. The passive voice indicates that Paul receives the action. The indicative mood is declarative for a dogmatic assertion of fact: Paul is still being judged.

"As a sinner" is literally "as sinful" - the nominative singular from the adjective hamartia." This is called a nominative of exclamation. When the purpose is to stress a thought with great distinctness the nominative is used without the verb here.

Instead it is used with a correlative adverb. The noun or adjective then stands alone and is more emphatic.

Rom 3:7; Expanded Translation: "But if the doctrine of the God has shown itself to be extremely great for the purpose of his glory (and we assume that it has); why therefore am I also still being judged as sinful?"

God's integrity declares that lies and falsehoods are sins so God judged all lies and falsehoods in Jesus' body on the cross.

Sinfulness does not advance God's glory because sin does not and cannot advance God's glory. Anything that was judged on the cross doesn't glorify God. God's justice is doing the judging it is not the recipient of the judgment.

If lies and falsehoods did glorify God it would be like saying that criminals and perverts are glorifying God. Only God's integrity advances God's glory. Recipients of God's judgment do not glorify God but God's justice is glorified in condemning all sin and evil including lies and falsehoods.

Man does not advance God's glory only God can advance God's glory. We can only glorify God when we share His perfect integrity.

When we believe in Jesus Christ we are imputed His perfect righteousness, and when we reach spiritual maturity we receive blessing from God's justice because we are in compliance with His perfect mandates.

God is glorified when God's righteousness and justice are involved.

God may use man or angels in the process but only God has the power to advance His glory. Creatures can be compatible with God's glory but they cannot advance God's glory.

We are compatible with God's glory when we have maximum doctrine resident and circulating in the thinking of our soul that results in God's justice being free to bless us because we are in compliance compatibility with His Word of truth.

This means that God is glorified when man uses God's grace policy to adjust to His justice but man cannot advance God's glory. The source is the glory, not the recipient and the source of God's glory is God's integrity.

Rom 3:8; "And why not" There are two words here, "kai me." "Kai" is generally translated "and", so it is understandable that the phrase is translated "and why not." However, there are four separate distinctive uses of the conjunction "kai," and in this case the intensive use is more accurately translated into the English as "in fact."

'Kai" followed by the negative particle "me" that qualifies hypothetically, though not actually. The negative "ouk" denies in fact, the negative "me" denies the idea.

So Paul begins verse 8 with the denial of the slanderous assertion that he made in verse 7 that he has been falsely accused of so a more accurate translation is "In fact, not true" or "in fact not" or these days just "not."

"as we are slanderously reported" the adverb translated, "as" is "kathos" that is used as a comparative conjunction to introduce indirect discourse and start a parenthesis. Then we have also the comparative conjunction used twice in the parenthesis to introduce two slanderous assertions.

The present passive indicative of "blasphmeo" translated "slander." It means to injure the reputation of, to slander, to revile in relationship to man or to blaspheme in relationship to God.

The present tense is a perfective present that emphasizes what has occurred in the past as a present result. This is something that happened in the past but it has the consequence of creating a reputation that exists in the present. Slander established a reputation about Paul.

The passive voice: Paul receives the action of the verb. It is Paul who is maligned and slandered. The indicative mood is declarative for the historical reality of the fact that Paul, the greatest Bible teacher who ever lived, was maligned and slandered and this created a reputation about him.

"And as some claim that we say" this time the "kai" is connective so it is correctly translated as "and." Followed by comparative conjunction "kathos" translated "as" or "just as."

Followed by "phemi" translated "claim'" referring to the false slanderous allegation plus the nominative plural of the indefinite pronoun "tis," translated "some" that is not indefinite at all.

The indefinite pronoun "tis" is used to refer to the people who are slandering Paul. It refers indirectly to Paul's critics, especially the Judaisers who are ultra-self-righteous in their attempt to keep the Mosaic Law as a system of righteousness that they believe pleases God.

Arrogant self-righteous people are always critical of grace oriented doctrinal teaching. But all the slander and maligning in the world cannot destroy the ministry of anyone who communicates the Grace and Truth of Bible doctrine because the power is in God's Word.

The word translated "claim" here means to allege. This is the present active indicative of "phemi," meaning to allege. This is a progressive present tense signifying action in progress or a state of persistence, so there is very strong linear action as in they keep on alleging.

That is what satanic slanderers do; they shout their lies out so loud and so often that people are almost browbeat into believing their slander.

We see this the leftist democrat media in our country today. They lie so much and their pictures are so fake that you really shouldn't believe anything they say about anything but it hard not to become propagandized by them.

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, a corollary to that is that a fake photo shopped picture is worth a thousand lies.

The active voice: in this case the arrogant self-righteous legalists are producing the action of the verb. The indicative mood is declarative representing the verbal idea as reality.

This actually occurred historically and it has great meaning. Then the conjunction "lego" plus "hoti." "hoti" is used after verbs of saying or thinking to show what the content of the alleged concept is.

Then we have the accusative plural of general reference from the personal pronoun "hemeis" translated "we" acting as the subject of the infinitive. Plus the present active infinitive of "lego," and the present tense this time is descriptive present indicating something that continues to occur.

The active voice: Paul allegedly produces the action of the verb. He really doesn't produce it and that is why it couldn't be a statement of fact in the indicative mood so it had to be put into an infinitive.

The infinitive is used to describe a perceived result where something is assumed or distorted.

Now the content of the slander: "Let us do evil" this is what the Judaizers contend they allege that Paul is saying, the aorist active indicative of the verb "poieo" for "let us do."

The aorist tense is a constantive aorist, contemplating the action of the verb in its entirety. It gathers up into one entirety Paul's entire ministry.

They allege and accuse Paul of teaching every day without exception "Let us do evil that good may come."

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