Class Notes: 6/22/2023

The book of Romans part 143; Rom 3:9; The doctrine of the old sin nature

In our verse-by-verse study of Romans we are in Rom 3:9; at the phrase "for we have already charged." Last time we noted that "for" is the translation of the postpositive conjunctive particle "gar" that used as an explanatory conjunction to summarize the claims made to this point.

Then the aorist middle indicative from the compound verb "proaitiaomai" "aitiaomai = to blame or to charge; pro = before), so it means to accuse beforehand or to have already charged or indicted.

We will translate it "for we have already indicted." This is a dramatic aorist tense that states a present reality with the certainty of a past event. The idiom is a device for emphasis that is used to state something that is has been already done, or a result that has been accomplished.

It is a deponent verb in the middle voice that is active in meaning. Paul produces the action, and he has already produced the action in chapters one and two. The indicative mood is declarative for a dogmatic statement of fact.

"that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin" an accusative plural from the adjective "pas,"" translated, "all," is used as the predicate nominative of the infinitive. Then the present active infinitive of "eimi" the verb "to be" that is translated "are."

It is a durative present tense that describes a reality in the present but it denotes what started in the past and continues into the present.

Paul is writing this to the people of his time as well as to us. All are indicted; all are under sin, every one both "Jew " from "Ioudaios" and Greek aka Gentile from "Hellen" is under sin.

The active voice: Jews and Gentiles produce the action of the verb. This is the infinitive of actual result. Plus a prepositional phrase, "hupo" translated "under" with the accusative of "hamartia," "sin," in the singular, that is a reference to the old sin nature.

People are born with an old sin nature so the old sin nature comes first and it causes us to sin. We acquire the old sin nature at birth. Sin in the singular refers to the old sin nature.

Every naturally born person, both Jew and Gentile, is born with an old sin nature, therefore both Jews and Gentiles are born spiritually dead.

Expanded Translation Rom 3:9; "Therefore how are we to understand the situation? Do we possess anything that might shield us from God's justice? No, not at all: for we have already indicted both Jews and Gentiles, they are all under sin."

This brings us to the doctrine of the old sin nature.

Biblical documentation of the sin nature is found in Rom 5:12; "Therefore, just as through one man (Adam), sin (the sin nature) entered into the world, and (spiritual) death through (the) sin (nature), so (spiritual) death spread to the entire human race because all sinned (when Adam sinned)."

The characteristics of spiritual death include the human race being in the status of dichotomy having a body and soul at birth, but no human spirit that sets up the position of spiritual death.

Without a human spirit it is impossible to have a relationship with God, 1Cor 2:13-14;

Total depravity can function in moral or immoral degeneracy, depending upon the trend of one's sin nature. If a believer's fragmentation (that is becoming arrogant and staying that way) is perpetuated, the believer becomes morally or immorally degenerate.

Spiritual death results in total separation from God and total helplessness to perform any work, sacrifice, or any change of life whereby we can enter into a relationship with God because God's justice rejects everything we do because of our position.

The only way we can enter into a relationship with God is to accept God's work on our behalf by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

The essence of the old sin nature includes an area of weakness that produces personal sins that takes the form of immoral degeneration, Eph 2:3;

The old sin nature has an area of strength that produces human good, that results in moral degeneracy, Isa 64:6; Rom 8:8 and a lust pattern that motivates sin and evil, lasciviousness and asceticism, and moral and immoral degeneration, Rom 7:7; Gal 5:19-21;

The old sin nature is the function of Adam's new acquired trend or tendency after the fall. Immediately after Adam sinned, two things occurred simultaneously. He had spiritual death and he had a new tendency in his life to sin that means to reject and oppose truth.

Remember sin is the violation of God's law that is absolute truth, 1John 3:4; The sin nature creates a tendency to sin that produced personal sin in three categories: mental, verbal and overt.

A tendency occurred toward good and evil that produced the satanic objective of creating a pseudo-millennium. The trend toward good and evil is still an issue. Because of the judicial imputation of all personal sins to Jesus Christ, sin is no longer an issue with God except to show us when we need to rebound.

When Adam chose to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he chose satan's policy of evil that immediately made satan the ruler of the world. The fall in the garden was more of an unconditional surrender than a defeat.

Man's fall resulted in numerous changes from the Garden. Satan became the ruler of this world, the old sin nature became the ruler of man's body, and mankind became spiritually dead, and therefore under the condemnation of God's justice that became mankind's point of reference to God after the fall.

Adam took a perfect soul and, by his negative volition, he revolted against God's authority and created the old sin nature. Adam's volition was a perfect but being free, he could reject God's authority.

We all have this original mold. While the soul is not occupied by the old sin nature, the soul becomes the battlefield where the old sin nature attacks and where it is often tactically successful.

The influence of the old sin nature on the soul is seen in mental attitude sins and motivations. The condition and status of the body often influences how and what you think.

There is no doubt that the body affects the soul and the mentality, just as the soul affects the body. The soul and the body influence each other.

The phenomenon of not only the immaterial influencing the material but also the material influencing the immaterial is noted in the "heart" passages of Jer 17:9; Matt 12:34-35; Matt 15:19; Mark 7:21-23.

Biblical Synonyms for the Old Sin Nature include the singular of the Greek word "hamartia" that generally refers to the old sin nature, Rom 5:12; Rom 7:14; 1Cor 15:56; 1 John 1:8.

The plural of "hamartia" generally refers to personal sins.

Rom 5:12; "Therefore, just as through one man (Adam), sin (the sin nature) entered into the world, and (spiritual) death through sin (the sin nature), so (spiritual) death spread to the entire human race because all sinned (when Adam sinned)."

" Hamartia" in the singular can also refer Adam's original sin, the old sin nature, usually found with the definite article, and the principle of personal sin.

Rom 7:14; "Certainly, we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of (belonging to the realm of) the flesh (sin nature), sold in bondage to sin (sin nature)."

The law is spiritual because it came from God. The law is perfect because it is absolute truth. It is God's establishment mandate for the entire human race. Rom 7:12;

The Greek word "sarxz" translated "flesh" is another word for the old sin nature. We are sold into bondage at birth, when the imputation of Adam's original sin to the old sin nature occurs.

The Greek word "sarxz" means, "flesh," it emphasizes the location of the old sin nature in the cell structure of the body. Because the sin nature is related to the biological life, it is called the flesh.

Gal 5:16; "But I say, walk by means of the Spirit and you will not execute the lusts of the flesh." Eph 2:3; 1John 2:16;

Rom 6:6, and Rom 7:14; describe the lust, trend or tendency as being in the body or the flesh;

Another term for the old sin nature is the "old man" KJV or "old self" NASB translated from "palios anthropos" that emphasizes the origin of the old sin nature: The sin nature is propagated through the twenty-three male chromosomes that fertilize the female ovum in conception.

The old sin nature that is in the biological body is the target for the imputation of Adam's original sin that occurs when he human soul is imputed at birth.

Eph 4:22, "With reference to your former lifestyle (self- fragmentation through post-salvation sinning), you yourselves lay aside (through rebound) the old man (sin nature), you who are becoming degenerate on the basis of the lusts of deceit."

"You who are becoming degenerate" refers to being corrupted in polarized fragmentation from the trends of the sin nature. The "lusts of deceit" include power lust, money lust, approbation lust, sexual lust, chemical lust, and emotional lust (fear, worry, anger).

The sin nature is classified as the old man because it originated in the Garden of Eden; it is the one of the first and therefore oldest artifacts of the fall of mankind. Col 3:9;

The word translated "carnal" from "sarkinos" means "fleshly," "of the flesh," or "belonging to the flesh." This refers to the believer under the control of his old sin nature and therefore out of fellowship with God through personal sin that results in cosmic involvement.

Rom 7:14; "Certainly, we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of (belonging to the realm of) the flesh (sin nature), sold in bondage to sin (sin nature)."

1Cor 3:1-3, "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual persons (believers who are filled with the Spirit), but as to belonging to the sin nature (carnal believers controlled by the sin nature), as to babes in Christ (childish believers).

I gave you milk, and not solid food (advanced doctrine), for you were not able to receive it; in fact, you are not yet able

because you are still functioning under the sin nature. Since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not belonging to the sin nature, and keep walking in conformity with men?"

The Corinthian believers were not able to learn advanced doctrine because they were under the control of the old sin nature, that prevents the believer from learning God's Truth.

The fact that they are still carnal means they don't use rebound to recover fellowship. Paul mentions one of the mental attitude sins of arrogance: jealousy as an example of sin nature control of the soul.

The Corinthian believers are therefore "of the sin nature" that means they are conducting their lives as unbelievers aka they are 'carnal."

"Body of sin" in Rom 6:6 emphasizes the old sin nature's headquarters where it resides in the cell structure of the body. Its genetic home is the chromosomes of the cell structure of the body.

"Corruptible man" in Rom 1:23; also refers to the sin nature. Corruption means the old sin nature and the result of the old sin nature. Man is corrupted physically, spiritually, and morally. and "corruptible seed" in 1Pet 1:23; refers to the transmission of the old sin nature.

There are passages that describe sin, and good or evil as coming from the "heart." The heart, or right lobe of the soul, has nothing to do with the old sin nature but the old sin nature attacks and takes over control of the "heart" where volitional choices are made.

This is the old sin nature influencing thought so that sin, good and evil are in the thinking that comes from the heart is the result of the sin nature programming the heart. Jer 17:9; Matt 12:34-35, Matt 15:19; Mark 7:21-23.

Paul describes this situation in Rom 7:14-25;

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