In our verse by verse study of Romans we are at the first phrase of Rom 3:27; "Where then is the boasting?" We noted that it is blasphemous to think that either human self-righteousness or unrighteousness can promote or assist God's perfect integrity in any way. God's integrity is perfect and it has always existed and does not need help from mankind.
Remember that God's righteousness is the expression of God's love for His own perfect integrity. Since integrity demands integrity, perfect righteousness demands perfect equivalent righteousness.
God demands integrity for blessing. This integrity includes God's imputed righteousness at salvation and maximum compatibility with God from the filling of the Spirit in synergy with Bible doctrine resident and functional in the thinking of the soul at spiritual maturity.
Adjustment to God's justice in every situation is critical because it is the key to understanding our grace relationship with God. God provides all that His integrity demands from the human race on the basis of grace.
At salvation God primes the pump by imputing His own perfect righteousness on the basis of faith and He follows up with doctrine plus a system of grace perception so that doctrine can be transferred into the believer's thinking for application so boasting is excluded.
"It is excluded" from aorist passive indicative from the verb "ekkleio" (excluded) that means to shut off, to exclude, or to shut out. The aorist tense is a dramatic aorist that is used to state a present reality with the certainty of a past event.
The idiom, the aorist tense is a device that is used to emphasize a fact or a truth of doctrine regarded as so fixed in its certainty as to be axiomatic. Therefore the aorist is used to describe an actual occurrence.
We do not translate this aorist into the English as a past tense as usual; we translate it in the present tense as "It is excluded." The passive voice: boasting receives the action of being shut down, shut out or excluded. The indicative mood declares a statement of dogmatic reality.
Principles that come from God's integrity excluding the boasting of man include the fact that God's integrity has always existed in an immutable state of totally absolute perfection.
God's integrity is immutable so there is nothing that man can add or subtract from it. God's integrity is immutable so there nothing man can do or fail to do to cancel it.
This means that there is nothing man can say or think or do that can compromise God's integrity. Man's self-righteous human good does not glorify God. In fact God's integrity condemns man's self-righteous human good because it is evil.
There will never be a point in either angelic or human history where God's integrity is compromised or advanced from angelic or human personality, self-righteousness, or good works.
No creature can establish, promote or enhance God's righteousness. No creature can add anything to God's integrity so boasting is always excluded.
We have seen that the working part of God's integrity is His justice. God's justice does all the work so it gets all of the credit. God's justice condemned our sins when Christ was bearing them on the cross and this is the basis of our eternal salvation. God accomplished it all through Jesus Christ. John 19:30;
Rom 3:27; God's justice provides blessing for the mature believer. This is the basis for blessing in time and reward in eternity. This blessing comes from maximum doctrine resident in the soul. And how did doctrine get there? GRACE Apparatus for Spiritual Perception.
Therefore no one can generate God's righteousness and no one can enhance God's justice. This is the fundamental principle of grace. This means that God can add something to us, but we cannot add or subtract anything from Him.
"By what kind of law?" "dia" (by) plus the interrogative pronoun "poios" (what kind). Notice that "poios" is used in a direct question, and there is also the genitive singular of the noun "nomos" (law) "dia" plus the genitive, "dia poiou nomou."
Nomos here means a rule or principle that governs one's action. It doesn't refer to the Mosaic Law in this case. "By what kind of law?" or "By what kind of principle?" The issue is what principle or law excludes boasting, arrogance, and self-righteousness.
"of works?" The subjective genitive plural from "ergon" (works). The principle or law of human works is incompatible with God's integrity as well as God's grace.
There are no works involved in adjusting to God's justice. "No but by law of faith" - the word "no" in the NASB should be translated "not" as it is in the GNT is the negative "ouchi" (not), it is a strengthened form of "ouk" (no) so it is a strong negative to answer a question, followed by an adversative conjunction, "alla" (but), to set up a positive after a negative; to emphasize the contrast between the negative followed by the positive.
Then "dia" (through) plus the genitive of "nomos" (law) is used again for a principle "Absolutely not: by the principle" Then the descriptive genitive of "pistis" (faith), "of faith."
Expanded Translation Rom 3:27; "Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what principle? That of works? Absolutely not: but by the principle of law of faith."
The law or principle of faith is how the human race enters into a relationship with God's integrity on the basis of grace. The first blessing of God's justice is God's righteousness that is imputed resulting in justification.
The mechanism or the "how" for this law of faith is faith in Jesus Christ. Faith must have an object because by itself faith has no inherent power. The object of faith for salvation is Jesus Christ because salvation adjustment to God's justice is accomplished exclusively by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
All other believing in the world secures nothing but condemnation from God's integrity but the tiniest fragment of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ secures eternal salvation.
There is no merit in having faith the merit is in the object of faith. Believing in Jesus Christ provides justification and eternal life.
Therefore faith is not something we do under the principle of works it is channel or policy that we use to appropriate what God has done for us on the basis of grace that is made possible by what Jesus Christ did on the cross. Eph 2:7-9;
God found a way through imputation to bless us on the basis of His integrity without compromising His perfect essence. God's justification by imputation excludes all human boasting.
God did not do this from human sentimentality or emotional attraction to pleasant human personality. Man often concludes from his self-righteous arrogance that he has done something to please God, or has made God fall in love with him but that is a lie.
Under the law or principle of works man strives for a status that he thinks will make him attractive or pleasing to God. This striving of self-righteousness eliminates the principle of faith because it rejects God's integrity.
The provision that God's integrity uses is a grace provision that is compatible only with God's essence.
Man's self-righteousness is a function of the law or principle of works (works righteousness) that produces human boasting blasphemes God's perfect integrity.
The issue is God's integrity. God found a way to bless man from His justice without compromising any of the attributes of His essence. Justification by faith is an action of God's integrity whereby God is free to provide eternal salvation from the source of His justice.
The grace principle of justification by faith eliminates any boasting or self-righteousness, the entire system of human works operative from the garden. Boasting erroneously assumes God's approbation for some system of self-righteousness.
But according to the law of faith God only loves His own perfect righteousness and He does not love evil human good works. God loves His plan, not man's plan.
Response to God's plan and entrance into a relationship with God is based exclusively on His integrity, and at the point of faith in Jesus Christ we have our initial adjustment to God's justice.
In relationship to God the principle of the law of works is evil, it is a satanic alternative that was presented to man in the garden as the alternate to perfect environment from God's integrity.
What has been referred to as the dispensation of innocence in the Garden of Eden is really not that at all, it was direct blessing from God's integrity that was totally related to God and His creation and completely separated from man's merit and.
Man's works were not involved at all and there were certain things he just didn't have to know at the time. He didn't have to know anything about evil, or about human good and evil. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was forbidden because in his creation relationship with God's integrity God only gave man the information that he needed.
In the perfect environment of the garden the only thing man had to know about good and evil that is the entire system of satanic function in world history, was to stay away from it.
Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the mandate from God's integrity.
As long as man obeyed that command he had a relationship with God's integrity based on creation. Once man rejected that command and ate the forbidden fruit he no longer had the creation relationship with God's integrity.
Perfect environment is not the solution to anything. A relationship with God's integrity is the solution to everything and we can have that right now in the devil's evil world on the basis of the law of faith.
In the Garden the law of works was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Under the law of works good and evil are synonymous terms so good is evil.
The law of works implies that man by man's talents, self-righteousness, good deeds, and personality improvement, advances God's integrity. But man cannot advance God's integrity; only God can advance His own integrity.
Only God's justice can do the work. God's justice judged the sins of the human race when Christ was bearing them on the cross. We can only respond in a non-meritorious way on the basis of the law or the principle of faith by believing in Jesus Christ.
God's justice provides temporal and eternal blessing for the believer with maximum doctrine resident in the soul. It is always God's integrity doing the work. Boasting and self-righteousness are excluded because man's works are completely excluded.
Through maximum adjustment to God's justice the believer can glorify God by deploying God's resources by the application of doctrine under ministry of the Holy Spirit but the believer cannot do anything related to God from his own works.