Class Notes: 7/18/2024

The book of Romans part 238; Rom 6:6-7;

In our verse by verse study of Romans we are in Rom 6:6; where we have noted that the personal sins of the human race were judicially imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross and judged, therefore providing eternal salvation for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ for an instant.

The other trends and evil-were not imputed to Christ on the cross. Good and evil must continue as the issue in the angelic conflict until the end of biological human history that is the end of the Millennium.

The co-crucifixion of the old sin nature at the cross must be examined categorically in relation to its trends. When it says, "our old man has been crucified together with him," that is describing co-crucifixion.

The trend toward personal sins: All personal sins are judicially imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross, and because of this after salvation we have an instant solution to carnality by simply acknowledging our known sins to God.

The trend toward good and evil: Good and evil were not imputed to Christ on the cross so good and evil remain the issue for biological humanity until the great white throne judgment where all of it is cast into the lake of fire.

It all adds up to the fact that the sovereignty of the old sin nature over human life has been made powerless through retroactive positional truth. The imputation of all personal sins of the human race to Christ on the cross means that the believer through the function of rebound is instantly forgiven sins, cleansed from all unrighteousness, restored to fellowship with God and filled with the Spirit.

In other words, because all personal sins were judicially imputed to Christ on the cross and judged after salvation when believers commit sins they can simply name and cite these sins to God, and since God has already judged those sins in Christ they are instantly forgiven.

At the same time any unknown or unremembered sins that have accumulated are likewise forgiven because God the Father also judged them on the cross in Jesus Christ

The issue of good and evil is solved by non-imputation at the cross. Good and evil is the policy of satan in his rule of this world. Sin is not a part of satan's policy; it is an embarrassment to him because he is trying to produce the perfect conditions of the Millennium before the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.

This means that the angelic conflict is really a race to the Millennium.

If satan could find a way to eliminate sin and to use his genius to saturate the world with good and evil it would mean defeat for the Lord Jesus Christ in the angelic conflict.

But there is no way that it can occur because Satan cannot control sin in the world because his policy of good and evil creates it but his objective is to saturate the world with good and evil to create the Millennium through the imposition of tyranny.

That is what the democrats are trying to do. What the democrats call freedom is actually the attempt of force the acceptance of the sins of perversion and criminality behind a veil of good and evil. The democrats hate Divine Establishment because Divine Establishment rejects that idea.

The eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil permitted good and evil to be the satanic policy and the old sin nature's function in the biological human race. There is no instantaneous solution for good and evil, but there is a solution.

The solution has to be divided into two parts: the positional part at salvation and the experiential part in the Christian life. The positional part is accomplished for us when God the Holy Spirit enters us into union with Jesus Christ in His spiritual death, in His physical death, and in His burial.

In spiritual death good and evil have been rejected by non-imputation. They had to be non-imputed for a solution to exist. The imputation that solves the sin problem cannot be used for good and evil so in the wisdom of God they were not imputed to Jesus on the cross.

Therefore in Christ's physical death and burial He was totally separated from good and evil so that positionally we have also rejected good and evil, and positionally we are also totally separated from good and evil.

The positional solution is the predicate and the sine que non for the Christian spiritual life that is the experiential solution.

Retroactive positional truth means identification with Christ in His spiritual death where we have the imputation of all personal sins followed by His physical death and burial.

The non-imputation of good and evil at the spiritual death of Christ is the rejection of good and evil. Therefore the believer has positionally rejected good and evil, but not yet rejected it experientially.

Good and evil remains the policy of Satan as the ruler of the world and the function of the old sin nature as the sovereign over biological human life.

Identification with Christ in His physical death and burial establishes total separation from good and evil. Therefore positionally we as believers in Jesus Christ are separated from good and evil.

This verse indicates that positionally the power and the authority of the old sin nature as the sovereign of biological human life has been destroyed, broken, rendered inoperative, rescinded and abrogated.

The last phrase of this verse provides another result of retroactive positional truth that is freedom from enslavement to the old sin nature as the ruler of human life.

"so that we would no longer be slaves to sin" the present active infinitive of the verb "douleuo" (slave) that means to serve as a slave or to obey as a slave. The definite article is in the genitive singular, "tou" (that), used as a substantive to introduce a purpose clause for the infinitive "so that we."

The present tense is a perfective present that describes continuation of existing results from retroactive positional truth. It refers to the fact of reality that came into effect when we were saved, but it is emphasized as our present situation.

Our present situation is that we should not be slaves to the old sin nature. The active voice: the believer produces the action of the verb positionally as a challenge to experiential sanctification. The infinitive is an infinitive of purpose. With it is a strong negative adverb, "meketi" (no longer) so we have "so that we should no longer be slaves."

The word "we" is the accusative of general reference from the first person plural pronoun "ego" (we), that used as the subject even though it is actually the accusative of general reference that describes the believer as a person connected with the action of the infinitive.

Then the dative of indirect object from the noun "hamartia" (sin) in the singular, referring to the old sin nature. The definite article precedes it to denote a previous reference in the context so we have "so that we should no longer be slaves to THE old sin nature."

Expanded Translation Rom 6:6; Be knowing this, that our old self (the OSN) has been co-crucified together with him, in order that the human body with reference to its sin nature might be rendered powerless (inoperative), so that we should no longer be slaves to the old sin nature.

Retroactive positional truth has positionally freed us from the tyranny of the old sin nature's rule in biological human life. This means that personal sin is handled through the rebound technique since all personal sins were judged in Jesus at the cross.

This also means that good and evil have been positionally rejected and a complete status of separation exists positionally. Good and evil is a trap that distracts believers from advancing to spiritual maturity through the PMA of Bible Doctrine that is the only system for glorifying God in their biological bodies in time.

Good and evil distracts believers from the true purpose of the spiritual life that is the daily consistent perception of doctrine, resulting in spiritual growth and maturity adjustment to God's justice.

Maturity adjustment to the justice of God is the basis for temporal blessing from God's integrity that glorifies Christ in the angelic conflict.

The pipeline of blessing is encapsulated by God's integrity with God's justice on the giving end and God's imputed righteousness on the receiving end. God's justice only gives to God's perfect righteousness. We have God's righteousness imputed to us so we have the predicate for potential blessing from God.

Blessing only flows through this encapsulated pipeline when there is capacity from maximum doctrine resident in the soul. Between the potential of imputed righteousness and the reality of experiential blessing in time the missing link is our capacity righteousness that is developed from Bible doctrine resident and circulating in our stream of consciousness.

Good and evil distracts detracts, and diverts, and thereby prevents us from developing capacity for blessing through perception of Bible doctrine.

This should be obvious from the fact that good and evil are satan's policy for establishing and maintaining his role as the ruler of this world through the function of the old sin nature as the sovereign of biological human life. Satan does not want to lose his power over us.

The Lord Jesus Christ has broken the power of the sin nature with its function of good and evil through retroactive positional truth so the believer is positionally free from the slavery of the old sin nature that is controlled by satan.

Rom 6:7; "For he that has died is freed from sin." It begins with the explanatory use of the conjunctive particle "gar" (for) that really means "for you see or because" It amplifies the statement of the previous verse and provides an explanation.

Then the articular aorist active participle from the verb "apothnesko" (having died) referring to retroactive positional truth that is our identification with Christ in His spiritual death, physical death, and burial.

This death is synonymous with the co-crucifixion referenced in the previous verse. This verb is also synonymous with becoming intimately united to the likeness of His death in verse.5. The definite article "ho" (the) is used as a relative pronoun, referring to the believer at the moment of positional adjustment to God's justice at salvation.

The aorist tense is a constantive aorist that views the action of the verb in its entirety. This constantive aorist refers to the momentary action of the baptism of the Spirit at salvation that results in retroactive positional truth.

The constantive aorist simply gathers up into one entirety our union with Christ in His spiritual and physical death and burial. Spiritual death for personal sins and the non-imputation of good and evil means rejection of satan's policy.

Because we are in union with Christ in His death positionally we have also positionally rejected good and evil. Physical death and burial is also separation from good and evil, and therefore because we are in union with Christ in His death and burial we are positionally separated from good and evil. Not experientially separated, only positionally separated.

It is the positional rejection and separation from good and evil that breaks its power, the sovereignty and the authority of the old sin nature as the ruler of biological human life because the OSN only has the power to rule through spiritual death.

The active voice: the believer at the instant of salvation produces the action of the verb through retroactive positional truth. The participle is circumstantial for the baptism of the Spirit at salvation and resultant retroactive positional truth.

So we have, "For he who has died." The circumstantial participle is referring to the baptism of the Holy Spirit that is positional identification with Jesus Christ in His death, resurrection, ascension, and session.

In this case we are talking about retroactive positional truth. This is not a literal death; this is retroactive positional truth or being intimately united with Christ. Through it all believers as members of God's royal family have positionally rejected good and evil and have been totally separated from good and evil.

This means not only the Christian rejection of satan's policy but also the cancellation of the power and the authority of the old sin nature over our lives as believers in Jesus Christ who still have biological bodies in time.

A dead person is discharged from the obligations of their former life. We understand this as a principle in our experiential life. This is why the word "death" is used in this context.

It is not a literal, physical death we are discussing but it is identification with Christ in His death. A dead person cannot pay a debt or have any relationship with anything in their former biological human life.

As unbelievers we were under the authority of satan as the ruler of this world, and under the authority of the old sin nature as the sovereign of biological human life. Both the power of satan and the old sin nature have been rescinded through the baptism of the Holy Spirit at salvation.

That means that this passage emphasizes the annulling of the power and the authority of the old sin nature as the sovereign of biological human life. In other areas of scripture Paul discusses the annulling of the power of satan but in Romans his emphasis is on the old sin nature.

Positionally, the power of the sin nature has been broken. Experientially, the old sin nature still controls us to the extent that we fail to understand, wait on and deploy the provisions and support of God's logistical grace and succumb to the old sin nature because of our impatience and unwillingness to wait on God. Isa 40:31; Phil 4:6-7;

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