Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; The doctrine of witnessing part 42

In our study of the doctrine of witnessing Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; we are examining the doctrines that undergird the gospel so that we can understand how and why it is God alone who made it possible for our so great salvation exclusively by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Eph 2:8-9;

As part of the study we are presently reviewing the content of the Gospel message itself under the category of the "Doctrine of the Gospel that we last studied in 2013." 1Cor 15:1-4; John 3:16; Acts 16:31;

Last time we were noting that there is no ritual connected with salvation since the completion of the Canon of scripture because with full disclosure reality has replaced ritual. Paul makes this point very clear in 1Cor 1:17;

We also noted that the only issue in the Gospel is Jesus Christ and the cross. The issue is not sin or some ritual or some manmade psychological contrivance.

The issue of the Gospel is not baptism and not sin, but it is Christ being judged for our sins. The issue in salvation is "what think ye of Christ?" - not how many sins will you give up. What commitment will you make. or how you will improve your life from now on.

Another factor is that the Gospel is always free. Paul makes this clear in 2Cor 11:7-8; "Or did I commit a sin in humbling myself that you might be exalted (no I didn't), because I preached the Gospel to you without charge?

v8 I robbed other churches, taking wages from them to serve you."

We see here that money must never be an issue in the communication of the Gospel. Paul did not go to the Corinthians and take up an offering. He came and preached the Gospel, making no issue of any kind of remuneration.

When Paul went to Corinth as a missionary, he did not take up an offering. An evangelist who takes up an offering is taking money from unbelievers who cannot give anything that is acceptable to God, and he is also making an issue out of money.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY issue for the unbeliever.

The Gospel is to be free of charge to those receiving it. Its communication must not be related to any kind of payment or quid pro quo.

Giving is an individual matter with every believer-priest, dependent upon his attitude toward God and his understanding of worship. Giving is a mental attitude that may or may not result in the transfer of money depending on the believer's economic capacity.

What you give or if you give at all is strictly your own business. Giving is a legitimate function of the believer, but it should never be a factor in the presentation of the Gospel to an unbeliever.

In saying that he "robbed" other churches, Paul was being sarcastic, but he was making the point that it does cost money for the Gospel to be communicated. He was acknowledging that believers in other churches supported him so he could present the Gospel in Corinth and other locations without charge.

Once the believers in Corinth understood God's grace system they assisted others in the same way.

In Gal 1:8; Paul tells us that God places a curse on anyone who communicates a false "Gospel: "Even though we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a Gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."

In this passage Paul explains that there is a tremendous curse on many believers for adding something to the true Gospel of faith alone in Christ alone.

Many believers who are very moral, self-righteous, and living good moral lives are under a terrible curse related to their self-righteous moral arrogance because they are involved with disseminating a false "Gospel."

Another example of a false Gospel is that you must not only believe in Christ but in addition make a commitment to Him. If you do not, your faith is merely academic. That is wrong and evil so God places a special curse on such people.

Another example of a false "Gospel" is "If Christ is not Lord of all He is not Lord at all." The baptism of the Holy Spirit at salvation irrevocably establishes union with Christ, so that Christ is your Lord whether or not you know it or accept it.

Most believers do not understand this at salvation. They learn about the baptism of the Holy Spirit after salvation. Experiential cognizance of Jesus Christ, as the Prince-Ruler of the Church and the Lord of your life is a matter of learning doctrine it not a matter of making a commitment when you have no capacity to make a commitment.

God has the capacity in the relationship so God is the one who makes the commitment. Rom 8:38-39; 2Tim 2:13;

The false Gospel is an evil stench across in our country today, because many are trying to help God by adding to the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and making issues out of sins, behavior patterns, and psychological gimmicks.

Many misinterpret Rom 10:10; by saying that unless you openly acknowledge faith in Christ, you aren't really saved. But the passage really says "For with the mouth acknowledgement is made because of salvation;" it is not the means of salvation.

Some are ashamed of the Gospel because it involves believing in exclusively in Jesus Christ. 1Cor 1:23;


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